Nutrition You Are What You Eat!

You think DIETS are the answer? Bah! That’s me begging to differ with you and here’s why: you are what you eat!

you are what you eat
Let’s not even mention that the first 3 letters in the word spell the word D-I-E… which is ironic because that’s exactly what needs to happen with them, because long term THEY DON’T EVER WORK!

The fact that we keep killing ourselves with quick gimmicks, only to find that we bounce back twice as bad should be the only indication we would ever need to realize there has to be a better way, and here is the good news: THERE IS!

Its called the science of: MORE of the right FOOD in YOU – LESS FAT on you! Yup, I said it:

You are what you eat!

Here are some facts on how and why this method will work:

FIT FACT 1– You need to fix your metabolism! not starve it! keeping it simple, you are likely spending most of the day not eating enough and by the end of the day you end up consuming more than your tummy can handle!

If you choose a more balanced approach and eat every few hours, you will decrease the likelihood of bad decisions and biting off more than you can chew ( see what I did just there lol). Eating every few hours is also a good rule because you won’t have as many mood swings or insulin spikes, sound familiar? OK, great! Now lets get to the main course!

FIT FACT 2 – Training too much and not eating enough will result in LESS LEAN TISSUE= SLOWER METABOLISM. To keep it simple without getting into a scientific tangent, when you train you are breaking down muscle tissue, and in order to repair, recover, and see those “toned results” you crave, you need to EAT!

Rule of thumb is: faster digesting protein and simple carbs. These will be re-partitioned into your body faster and therefore means better results! This is one of the reasons protein shakes are so famous post-training because the enzymes are already broken down so that means better recovery, more lean tissue, faster metabolism, and one step closer to your lean mean fat burning machine! Now go EAT!

FIT FACT 3 – Hydration nation!! You NEED to be drinking more water! Every cell in your body will thank you for being hydrated, and in turn all of your bodily functions will IMPROVE! This includes anything from your neural (brain) functioning to strength, energy levels, and mood enhancement! So guzzle that H20 and quit running on empty!

So until next time, I hope you can use some of these tips.

The goal of a coach should always be to educate & inspire so that health and fitness goals can not only be achieved but also understood.

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