Exercise Fix Your Back With Pilates

Are you a victim of modern culture that makes things so comfortable we are no longer able to move anywhere near our inherited capabilities?

A man sitting in a slouched position with head protruding forward.

Our body is a non-stop adapting machine. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and even your bones are settling into a position and shape they spend the most amount of time. The fact is that movement is necessary for your joints and the articular at the end of your bones to get nutrients due to their lesser blood supply.

If you are not mobilizing your joints and stretch your muscles to full ranges of movement you are not only risking getting tight but also increase the risk of developing osteoporosis and arthritis.

Certainly, the good news is that you don’t have to start with some heavy weight lifting or sign up for the next ultra-marathon next week.

Both Yoga and Pilates has been known for its amazing benefits to posture, core strength, mental and physical health. In this article, we will be exploring how Pilates can help you to a better posture and reduce your back pain.

Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates (1883-1967) over 100 years ago who himself suffered from asthma, rickets (a condition that results in weak or soft bones in children) and rheumatic fever. He has dedicated his entire life improving his physical strength as a bodybuilder and gymnast. He has managed to do this so well that despite his medical conditions as a child he earned a living as a professional boxer, a circus performer, and a self-defense trainer at police schools and Scotland Yard. Not bad from a child at his time with such conditions.

Pilates today has evolved much more.

There is a reason why most physiotherapists and back pain specialists are referring patients to learn from a good teacher. The principles of the Pilates method are all connected. They form a system that improves the way you move and control your body. It improves your posture and ability to move well pain-free and without limits. 

The 6 principles are:

  • Breathing
  • Concentration
  • Centering (core engagement)
  • Control
  • Precision
  • Flow

The original 32 exercises created by Joseph Pilates himself are very strenuous. For a beginner today it would not be beneficial to start. Talk to a qualified instructor to learn how you should start and what are the best exercises you can do to get results. You can do this clicking the link below first and message after that.

I hope this article helps. Stay tuned for more subjects on how to make yourself better!

Gabor Trapp

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