Nutrition Top tips to eat fish

Top tips to eat fish

Is fish really a healthy option? Does microplastic pollute fish and make us sick from eating it? How much fish should I eat?

In this 2 minutes read (less than 500 words) article I will explore these questions and include some links where you can find out more.

Before you read further it is crucial to understand that all of us have different dietary needs and to find out more about your individual needs it is best to consult a qualified nutritionist. This article is only for providing information and it can’t replace dietary advice.

Is fish really a healthy option?

According to Healthline, there are numerous studies that prove fish is good for you. Fish contains a high amount of protein which makes it great for building a lean and strong body. Fish also contains Iodine, an important mineral for your thyroid glands. Iodine deficiency can lead to swelling of the thyroid glands (goiter) and hypothyroidism that can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, and weight gain. Fish is also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids making it great for brain functioning and for your whole body. There are numerous studies that show fish-eating may prevent many diseases including heart disease and boost brain function. For more visit: Healthline.

winter motivationDoes microplastic pollute fish and make us sick from eating it?

And now for the scary truth: Yes. According to  people, average people consume about 70 000 pieces of microplastic each year. This is due to plastic waste not being recycled and left out in fields where they release chemicals into the soil and water supply and eventually into our oceans. We are consuming these with the food we need for our health and avoiding fish would not mean that we avoid plastic because it would still get into our system in different ways. The only thing we can do about this is to reduce the plastic we use and help cleaning up our waste. Visit the plastichealthcoallition to get help with reducing plastic use.

How much fish should I eat?

Fish has numerous health benefits, helps to prevent disease, and it is great for the brain and eye development. According to the NHS, people should eat at least 2 portions of fish including one portion of oily fish. This would is what the NHS recommends as a minimum for good health.

Fish is a great source of protein and it Iodine and Omega 3 making it great to include in your diet regularly.

Some fish, however, contain a higher amount of mercury which is toxic. Mercury is a heavy metal that gets into the water from industrial processes like burning coal or from eruptions naturally. Swordfish is one type of fish that contains a higher amount of mercury while salmon contains only a small amount. Click here to find out to see the amount of mercury in different types of fish on Wikipedia.

You can also try detoxifying foods such as garlic and coriander to reduce mercury in your system. Find these on Healthline or

-Gabor from Make You Better

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