Nutrition 7 Common Questions About Nutrition

7 Common Questions About Nutrition

7 Common Questions About Nutrition

Everyone wants to eat better to improve their health and wellness. With all of the information out there, how do you figure out some of the more simple answers to everyday questions about nutrition? We want to provide those answers and keep nutrition simple!

What Foods Should I Eat?

We want to eat foods in their natural state, typically single ingredient foods, with no added chemicals. What’s in Broccoli? Broccoli. What’s in an Apple? Apple. Foods in their natural state are unprocessed and have the highest absorption rates.

What Foods Should I Avoid? 

Avoid processed, refined and sugary foods and drinks. These items spike blood sugar levels, causing the body to release insulin, resulting in excess fat storage and weight gain.

How Do I Handle My Cravings? 

When contemplating a bad choice, first eat something good. This usually causes your craving to subside. Remove all trigger foods and drinks from your home. Be conscious of the environments that create high-level cravings.

What if I Make a Bad Choice? 

If you make a bad choice, control your quantity (one serving size!). Don’t let that bad choice drive more bad choices. In summary, enjoy the moment, then restart.  You can’t change what you ate, but you can change what you eat next.

What if I Skip a Meal? 

Treat this as an opportunity to fast until you can eat a healthy snack or meal. When you resume eating, do not ‘make up’ for the missed meal with a larger meal. This causes the quantity per serving to be too high.

How Do I Eat Out Successfully?  

Know what you want before you get there. This keeps the menu from influencing you to make a bad choice. Studies show a 30-40% decrease in total caloric intake by doing this. Be certain that your meat is grilled, baked or broiled and replace starches with vegetables. Consider making one of your choices a side salad.

How Do I Avoid Overeating?

People typically use two benchmarks as to when they stop eating. 1)They eat until they are stuffed, or 2) They eat until their plate is empty. Both benchmarks lead to severe overeating. Be conscious as to never be starving and never be stuffed. This will cause you to chew more, eat slower, and ultimately eat less.

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