Lifestyle 3 Tips to Help You Stick to Your Workout Plan

stick to your workout plan

Life is busy, and when it’s a case of juggling work, family, friends, other hobbies, it’s pretty common for a workout to be one of the first things to fall by the wayside. So many people say that if they had more time, they would train every day and be more committed to exercise and fitness.

The sad but true fact is that we all have the same number of hours in each day. 24. And 168 hours in each week. When you consider that a minimum of 3 of those 168 hours could be spent on exercise, and will allow you to reap the health and wellness benefits, it seems like a ridiculously small piece of the pie.

The Glow For Life team have three tips and tricks that might help you stay committed to your workout routine:

1. Be realistic with your training.

It’s all well and good to say you want to train twice a day, 7 days a week, but that’s just not sustainable. Start with small incremental goals e.g. “I want to train twice a week at the gym.” Once you are in a routine of never missing those two workouts try and increase it to three and so on. Small constant wins and reaching your personal goals will lead to large wins and even bigger achievements.

2. Schedule your exercise in your calendar.

Like any other meeting or task, if you put it down on paper it generally will get done. Allocate the time for exercise and stick to it. Try prioritize your exercise – everything else can wait for an hour.

3. Make yourself accountable by including others in your exercise and goal setting.

For instance, if you and a friend (or a group) have a goal to lose fat, set up a small pot of money and set a time to check back in. Winner takes on the biggest fat loss. You can use tools like The Diet Bet and Healthy Wage. These can also be applied to levels of fitness, running distance, strength etc. The possibilities are endless.

On a final note don’t beat yourself up for missing the odd work out. Take stock and pick up where you left off on your next training session.

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