The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss and Body Fat Reduction
Weight loss is hard, I have seen countless individuals attempt fads, diets, extreme workout routines, and other options to lose weight or decrease their body fat percentage. I wish there was a magic pill, supplement, or some other method to make the process a little easier. Unfortunately, there is not. What is the most sustainable method to lose weight? Here are 4 tips to help you get started on your journey!
Tip 1: Start Tracking
Write everything down. The doughnut you ate yesterday, the handful of chips last night, or that soda with dinner. Track everything. You can use an app like Fitbit or MyFitnessPal to count calories, water intake, and keep track of your body stats. Mindfulness plays a huge roll when it comes to losing weight. In addition, track every workout, or every exercise you complete, and build on that.
Tip 2: Hire a Coach or Get an Accountability Partner
If someone is holding you accountable, you’re more likely to do it. A coach or trainer can help pave the path, and motivate you along the way when you’re struggling. This is one of the most important parts! One of my favorite quotes is, “You are the average of the five people you spend your most time with.”- Jim Rohn. Spend time around people that encourage, lift, and empower you!
Tip 3: Start With Small Habits
You will not change your lifestyle overnight. Develop sustainable, healthy habits. Start with one thing at a time. Whether it is drinking half of your body weight in ounces every day, or adding a few servings of vegetables to your plate. Start small.
Tip 4: Eat Less Processed Food
Eat as little processed meals as you can. Try your best to focus on eating clean meals, and lower ingredient foods. Look for things that are high in protein, and have a low sugar content to provide your body with good nutrients. Eating more protein will help your body recover better from exercise, and help with your appetite.
Tip 5: Stop Putting So Much Pressure on Yourself
The realism behind a quick, easy, and simple solution to weight loss isn’t there. Fat burners and supplements generally don’t magically make fat disappear. If you want to lose weight, do it slow, and make it sustainable. Try to stay on track 70-80 percent of the time. Enjoy your life, and have a cheat meal every once in a while!