LifestyleWellness The Truths of Diastasis Recti Divarication

If you’re pregnant there is a 100% chance of a separation in the linea Alba.

This is a connective tissue between the abdominal muscle rectus abdominus. This connective tissue HAS to stretch in 100% of pregnancies to accommodate the growing baby. There are things you can do during and after pregnancy to support your body healing and performing optimally. In this article I’ll be sharing with your strategies for wherever you are in your motherhood journey to look after diastasis recti divarication.

Diastasis Recti Divarication occurs when the two sides of the muscle separate or become stretched away from each other.

A common misconception is that the muscles are torn away and ‘separated’. It’s important to clarify that divarication is a stretch of the connective tissues, not a complete rupture.

diastasis recti divarication
During Pregnancy

During pregnancy the growing uterus stretches the muscle of the abdomen, the rectus abdominus resulting in stretching and softening of the linea alba. As previously mentioned this happens in 100% of pregnancies; and more quickly during each subsequent pregnancy.

In order to remain stable in the core and therefore hold better posture and reduce likelihood of pain. There are other muscles such as the obliques and transverse abdominus of the trunk area that also contribute to core stability.

Facilitating exercise that strengthens the deep core whilst utilising the breath will improve connection to the deep core muscles. Therefore, will improve the chances of a speedy recovery.

This kneeling palloff press, as shown below, and in my Bumps & Fitness pre natal program is an example exercise that is suitable for pregnancy alongside breathwork to engage the deep core cylinder.

1-6 Weeks After Pregnancy

You need to allow the body to heal. This means treating the body and mind with respect during this stage. You must allow time to heal the birth canal, any scars from tearing/c-section/episiotomy and the uterus. Checking the status of your Diastasis Recti Divarication prior to 6-8 weeks may result in a false ‘positive’. You must allow your body, especially uterus, time to reduce back in size and inflammatory use before testing.

6+ Weeks After Pregnancy

Seek out advice from a Mummy MOT practitioner in order to fully asses not only your abdominal separation but also pelvic floor capability. This is a service that I believe all mothers should undergo. Whether you’re 6 weeks or 6 years or more post natal it’s never too late to seek that advice in order to reconnect to your core and pelvic floor.

A women’s health physiotherapist can help you and guide you through healing any separation you may have to a functional level.

You can also join my postnatal program by sending me a message on this platform.

It is never too late to recover from an abdominal separation or prepare your body to heal as quick as possible after birth. Understanding your deep core cylinder and pelvic floor is a first step. Then begin to use your breath to facilitate your movements ensuring to exhale on exertion.


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