Nutrition The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle makes all the difference. It is great to start a program and see measurable results. I found having a set time frame very helpful to making the sacrifices with healthy eating and preparation.  It is the on-going efforts that keep the progress coming and help us lead a healthier life style.

In my opinion, any changes to nutrition have to fit your lifestyle to make them work. Making healthier choices when out with friends, and making changes to old habits that hold you back or sabotage your efforts will make or break a new fitness routine. It doesn’t have to be a New Year’s resolution or a life changing event that motivates us to make a change, because we all have the choice right now. I don’t believe in following an ideal or media image as they can be unrealistic and unmanageable. There is way too much social pressure to look a certain way; it feels like we are so bombarded with the perfect figure or the latest trend, that we can lose sight of what fitness actually is.

We all have our own fitness journey and the best we can do is look after our health. Progress is the same across the board, and the positive impact it has on life is incredible. You can’t buy it!  You have to want it and you have to work hard for it.  The opportunity is always there, we just have to do it!

See a whole world of benefits from the health improvements listed below:

  • Loss of body fat
  • Weight control
  • Healthy metabolism
  • Increased muscular strength and endurance
  • Improved cardiorespiratory efficiency and endurance
  • Increased bone, ligament, and tendon strength
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Reduction in resting blood pressure
  • Decreased risk of diabetes
  • Decreased risk of osteoporosis
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Improved posture
  • Decreased stress
  • Overall improved health

Get in touch if you would like any further assistance.

Committed to your fitness,

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