Trainers Personal Decisions

When I was 19 years old I realized I had made the worst personal decisions thus far in my life. I was in college studying for my accounting degree wondering why I ever thought that career would make me happy. No offense to any accountants but that career just wasn’t right for me.

Personal decisions

So, at 19 I ended up also making the best personal decisions thus far in my life. No, I didn’t change my major; I started riding my bike. Because somewhere along the way I had managed to gain more than the freshman 15. Actually, I had been gaining weight since before I even entered University. But somehow the same day I decided it was too late to change my major, I realized it wasn’t too late to change the way I looked in the mirror.

I spent more time researching fitness and nutrition than I did on learning how to do taxes. And six weeks after I got my bachelors degree in accounting, I went and got certified in personal training. Not because I had a degree I knew I wouldn’t be using, but because the process of losing weight opened my eyes to two things.

Number 1: Sometimes we make choices because it’s what others expect of us, and we lose sight of what truly makes us happy.

Number 2: Fitness isn’t the answer to everything. Fitness is what drives us to feel confident enough to achieve our real dreams.

From the person who wants a shredded physique, to the person who just wants to lose a few pounds so they can run around with their family, it’s a privilege for me to help you on your journey. And I hope somewhere along the way you also find your purpose for living.

With Love,


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