1. Stay Inspired When I am working with coaching clients, I call it the crystal ball moment: Moment 1 If I stop my eating...
1. Stay Inspired When I am working with coaching clients, I call it the crystal ball moment: Moment 1 If I stop my eating...
Why is water so important to us? It’s kind of a silly question when you break it down. We have all heard that over half ...
All aging humans will develop some degree of decline in cognitive capacity, usually including the following symptoms:...
There is a promotion on the line, but wait! You don’t know SQL, and it’s a pre-requisite for the position. You only...
Do you know how many calories your body burns each day? Do you know, on average, how many calories you eat each day? �...
So, how’d your workout go? Did you get hot? How did you perform? Did you get thirsty? During exercise, your body will...
I get this question all of the time by clients and through my Facebook Page. The HIIT training method is touted as the...
Here are Two Examples of Someone Trying to Lose Weight: Scenario A: A woman who wants to lose 15lbs so she fits in her...
Most people pick up running because it’s what they’ve always been told helps them lose weight fast. It’s easy for...
I’ve been an athlete all my life. I played football, basketball and ran track. Among these, I always find fulfillment...
Spending all day everyday working inside a commercial gym means I have seen some ‘interesting’ outfits,...
Fat Loss: Overcoming the Plateau How do I know if I have hit a plateau? Your training has been great and you’re...