Nutrition Nutrition for Injury Recovery and Prevention

Follow the right nutrition for injury recovery and prevention!

best nutrition for injury recovery and prevention

Living as an Athlete is the definition of stretching the body’s boundaries and test its limits. Thus, injuries inevitably occur, often in forms of strains or sprains.

Strains cause the muscle fibers to overstretch and tear. Sprains occur when the ligaments which hold the bones in place are torn or stretched beyond their capacity.

For that, it is important to take care of injuries as fast as possible.

Nutrition for Injury Recovery

Apart from the medical drugs and surgeries, nutrition for injury recovery was underrated for so long and kept out of the spotlight; for it to be shined upon in this release and shown its true capabilities.

Injuries can heal better and quicker when the person is taking proper nutrients throughout the recovery phase.

Muscle and joint injuries are avoidable when taken the suitable nutrients.

As discussed in an earlier post about the importance of vitamins and how they play a crucial role in our body; I offer a scheme that when followed shall further you from any injury occurrences.

Meals to prevent injury

  • Starting your day with oatmeal increases muscle oxygenation and helps prevent inflammation and muscle soreness. It is a primary source of octacosanol, and a rich source of vitamin E that is essential for healing. Also, oats provide silicon, which supports connective tissue formation.
  • Alkaline food like fresh fruits, vegetables and raw juices offset the negative effects of acidic waste.
  • Chromium-rich food such as cheese helps the body use glucose more efficiently. Thus, preventing strains and sprains.
  • Food high in calcium like dairy products such as milk ensures the health and integrity of bones. Moreover, after an injury, food high in calcium speeds the healing process.
  • Post workout meal is essential for athletes. Chicken an excellent source of lean protein and other important nutrients like Niacin.

Lesson Learned

Good nutrition:

  1. Helps to recover and heal
  2. Protects your immune system and fight infections.
  3. Helps in maintaining strength and prolongs energy production.
  4. Prevents muscle breakdown.

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