Lifestyle Long-Term Weight Maintenance

Long-Term Weight Maintenance

Weight-loss plateaus are not the only challenge faced by people trying to lose weight. Long-Term Weight Maintenance is one of the most difficult aspects of weight management. While statistics vary by study, the overall long-term success rates are low. Reasons for low success rates include impaired satiety signals (A loss of effectiveness of the signals that travel to the brain and tell people they are full). Hyperpalatable food environment, constant food cues and easy access, long-term reductions in physical activity energy expenditure and experiences of higher burden because maintaining weight loss requires much more effort compared to lean people.

Factors Associated With Maintenance

While long-term weight maintenance is challenging, it is not impossible. Numerous people have successfully maintained long-term weight loss. Scientists have identified numerous factors that play a role in maintaining long-term weight loss

Low Fat, Low Energy Density Diets

The majority of long-term weight maintainers rely on diets with low amounts of fat and low energy density. A large portion of any long-term diet should be made up of whole fruits and vegetables, some whole grains, legumes, and lean meats.

Less Variety

Reducing the variety of a diet to a set of staple foods can be helpful for long-term
maintenance, and make food choices simpler.

Consistent Meal Patterns and Maintaining Consistency Throughout the Week

Regular meal patterns, compared to irregular patterns, are associated with successful weight maintenance. Meal patterns should t a client’s schedule and personal preferences but should be consistent to maximize long-term success.

Consistent Self-monitoring

Regular self-monitoring, particularly self-weighing, is associated with long-term success.
Clients should be encouraged to use whatever tools available to them to monitor themselves
during weight loss and weight maintenance. This can include regular self-weighing, tracking
calorie and macro intake, tracking feelings of hunger and fatigue, and using activity monitors
to track physical activity.

Greater Initial Weight Loss and Dietary Adherence

Early success and adherence are correlated with long-term adherence. Thus, it is important for practitioners to pay attention to dietary adherence and early success rates in clients. If initial adherence or success is poor, adjustments should be made to help set a client up better for long-term success.

Reaching a Self-determined Goal Weight

Individuals who reach a self-determined goal weight are more likely to maintain long term weight loss compared to individuals who do not reach their goal.

I hope this article helps you make smarter choices when picking your food throughout the day, in order to reach your fitness and weight loss goals faster!

Mums Fitness

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