Lifestyle Four Minor Changes for Your Fitness Journey Success

changes for fitness success

Four minor changes you can do for your fitness journey success!

Does it really take everything?

The “All or Nothing” mantra that has driven the fitness industry for so many years, has always seemed a bit controversial. This lifestyle is best suited for those with an established regimen and practices.

Does it really take everything or just a few changes?

We often forget that the sole purpose of the craft is for improved health and well-being, not adding stressors to our lives. These tips are a daily cycle and should be used with a dash of consistency.

Here we will discuss four minor changes that will in turn be critical to the success of your fitness journey. Do not worry, I will get straight to the point.

Time Management

The second most important thing, only falling short to our lives. Something that most people do not think about often unless they’re running late to work.

Why is it, that something so critical gets taken for granted daily?

We typically exchange time for money, and money for time. Have you ever exchanged time for self-care and health? You do not have to do a complete overhaul of your day-to-day task, but merely record what you. “ Know How You Spend Your Time” (Griffeth & Campbell, 2017, p.1). This is one of many steps to become better with time management but may be the most important.

Incrementally record your daily routine and find out where you are deficient or in most cases, spending too much time. The suggested amount of time to break your tasked down to is 15 minutes. This may not work for everyone but start to tailor your days wisely and you will be astonished by the amount of time you can free up for yourself. Setting the tone, time management rolls right into the next two tips seamlessly.


changes for fitness success

What are you eating? We all have waved in and out of varies diets, seeking the one that just right. I am not here to promote and sell a specific diet that will streamline you into my business services.

One thing the best workout routine or world class personal trainer cannot beat, is a bad diet. You have to take accountability for what you’re eating and how much you are consuming.

Start small by trying to eat around the same time every day. Then begin to track your caloric intake, whether manually or by a tracking app.

Lastly, clean it up! Fast food and cheat meals will always try to hamper your progress, this is where self-discipline will be your “personal trainer”. Cleaning up your diet will usually entail preparing healthier meals… you have probably noticed how time management will be heavily involved.

Portion adjustments are up to your discretion. If want to lose weight, reduce items in your meals, little by little.

Examples would be: if you eat three(3) eggs, two(2) pieces of toast, and three(3) pieces of bacon for breakfast. Try cutting down to 2 eggs, 1 pieces of toast, and 2 pieces of bacon. This will work reciprocally for gaining weight.

Fitness Regimen

What are you doing? Are you doing them properly and effectively? Now that you have the free time, at this point I will point you in the direction of your nearest fitness expert.

Having the time to go to the gym is great in theory, until you walk into your gym and realized… you have no idea what you are doing. The gym should be a sanctuary for health and self-improvement, and a judgement-free zone.

Until you inadvertently hurt yourself or an innocent bystander. Seek guidance from an experienced professional. Consult with someone and come up with a plan that both trainer and trainee are aligned with, so you receive the best results. The cost is up to you, and what you are willing to spend.

Remember this is not life long contract, after a while you will have the necessary skills to do it by yourself. It will be up to you to maintain what level of health and fitness you desire. Rest assure, whenever you need assistance, you can find help. Whether in-person or online.


Better Sleep

The last thing you do every day, is one of the most important. No one likes to feel sluggish throughout the day. With the management of your time, you should be able to get into the routine of getting a good night’s rest.

This is applicable to your workout routine as well. Schedule out rest day, to prevent wear and tear on the body. There’s nothing else to follow this tip, it is simple. Sleep. Rest.

In conclusion, if you noticed throughout this post, most of the changes for your fitness success are relatively doable. You do not have to wake up at 3-am, go “cold-turkey” on all of your favorite foods, or even go and become a gym rat. It would be a false narrative if you were not told that you may encounter other obstacles.

Cited below is an article and link for time management, it will go over other ways to improve that skill. Take your time and utilize it wisely, eat smart, be active, and rest.


Griffeth, L. L., & Campbell, C. A. (2017, May 1). Time Management: 10 strategies for Better Time Management. University of Georgia Extension.

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