Exercise Fitness Classes: For Fun and For a Change!

You’ve been hitting the gym but you feel like you’re not reaching your goals. Or you’re just not enjoying the workouts and you’re sick of the same old same old. Maybe it’s time you try workout classes? Girl what? All those people, the mirrors, and everyone in their cute matching outfits? Way too embarrassing!

Fitness Classes: For Fun and For a Change!

Believe it or not, it’s really fun!

I understand being intimidated. I was for a very long time. I’m a perfectionist and hate the idea of getting it wrong in front of everyone else. The people in the class always look like they know what they’re doing. Plus, I don’t feel that coordinated when trying new things. I skipped the workout classes and hit the gym on my own for years. Then one year, I put “trying a workout class” on my bucket list and got in there to give it a go. And wow, I was quickly hooked. The first thing I realized is that no one was watching me workout. They were either watching themselves in the mirror or they were intently watching the trainer. And all new people look a little uncoordinated at first, but they quickly catch on and become part of the tribe.

Workout classes have beginners and regulars

Everyone was new at some point. You know that the class must be worth it, if the same people go often enough to look really good doing it. The benefits are numerous. In a group workout class, you will always have others to push you. Working out with others is a great way to keep you motivated to go to the gym. The class is usually at the same time every week, so you will get into a routine and schedule. Also, they often challenge you to try new things and push yourself a notch higher than you might do on your own.

After doing a few classes consistently, you won’t want to miss them. It may make you feel bad if you do. When working out with a group the endorphins of competition are bound to motivate you. A study, conducted by Dr. Jinger Gottschall of Penn State University, reviewed the impact of group fitness on the participants and the results were significant. During the course of the study, 98.8 percent of those participating never missed a class, which is almost unheard of in exercise studies. In addition, the participants had become regular exercisers long after the study as a result of the success they had joining a group exercise program. Each participant showed significant reductions in fat, body mass, and cholesterol, plus the onset of cardiovascular disease was delayed by an average of 3.6 years.

Now that I am teaching my own classes…

I find offering training to a group gives me a new perspective on what keeps my clients motivated and what workouts they find fun and challenging. Working out with a trainer one on one for every workout isn’t affordable for most people and finding a workout buddy that understands your fitness needs is also tough. Your ability level plays a huge factor in how much positive feedback you get from learning new exercises.

Challenge is important but having too much of an ability gap can be disheartening. That’s why a group class is an awesome thing to add into your workout routine. There will always be someone working out a little harder and also someone who is a little below your level, as well. People are naturally competitive and they also feel supported and connected when working out with a group. When the people around you are doing that extra push up, pretty soon, you’ll be doing it too.

Built in workout partners, a personal trainer, accountability, and you reaching your fitness goals, that is what makes a fitness class worth trying! I challenge you to fit a fitness class into your schedule this week. If you are ever in the Fort Lauderdale area you’ve gotta come workout with us on the beach!

Check out Beach Body Slim Boot Camp on FB. No matter where you are, look for a class that keeps it fresh by offering challenging new workouts and a trainer you enjoy. You’ll meet people within the class and maybe find a workout buddy for other days at the gym too. Meeting people who are enjoying a fit lifestyle will help you maintain yours as well. Fitness goals can be life changing! Go live life to the fullest and make it a happy and healthy experience!

Amy Chisholm, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Author of “Six Months to Sexy Legs” and“Think Gorgeous Thoughts”.


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