Lifestyle Building your perfect morning routine

morning routine

Having a morning routine is the most important part of my day! I enjoy my morning coffee with check-ins with my clients. I read a devotional before I jump into my emails. Having structure in my mornings allows me to take on whatever the rest of the day throws at me, as generally, my daily schedule is all over the place.

Before I share how to find your perfect morning routine, here are some of the things I do every morning!

  1. Wake up & brush my teethbreakfast foods not to eat
  2. Make a cup of coffee & breakfast
  3. Wash my face & get dressed
  4. Write my to-do list & color code it, plan my meals
  5. Glass of water
  6. Daily Devotional
  7. Check-ins with clients

Notice how my morning routine doesn’t include a workout (& I’m a trainer!). Normally, during warmer months, my mornings start a little earlier so I can get a walk-in or I can jump on the stair climber before I start my training for the day. But right now, I have been content with this routine for my mornings. I feel refreshed, energized, and happy to help my clients with anything they need for the day or for the week!

So how do you know what will be perfect for you? Answer these questions for yourself… How do I want to feel before I start my workday? What are the most important things I need to accomplish before I dive into the day (brush your teeth, wash your face, drink some water, etc)? What do my mental health need for me to be energized and happy going into each day? How much time would these things take (include a 15-minute buffer)?

Here is a list of things that I and my peers find helpful to have a morning routine!! Pick a few things – my morning routine, up until I’m sending my check-ins, takes me about an hour and a half without me feeling rushed. When I get a morning walk or run in, I normally add 45 minutes for a 30-minute session and a shower!

Morning Routine Ideas

  • Wake Up/brush teethsparkling water
  • Drink water
  • Read Devotional
  • Exercise
  • Shower/get dressed
  • Make your bed
  • Write a daily to-do list
  • Make coffee/tea
  • Read a chapter in a book
  • Email a friend
  • Write a thank-you note
  • Journal
  • Take a bath
  • Make breakfast
  • Stretch
  • Read a blog
  • Make your lunch (or at least plan your daily meals)
  • Read an inspirational quote
  • Go for a walk outside
  • Work on a side hustle
  • Review your budget
  • Do your makeup
  • Do your hair
  • Fold Laundry
  • Listen to music
  • Write grocery list

Okay, now you have an idea of what you want your mornings to look like. Figure out what time you have to wake up to be able to accomplish those things. Reminder: your morning routine should be enjoyable, as well as making sure that you are ready for the day ahead. If you don’t like folding laundry, then don’t have folding laundry as part of your morning routine! But, unlike me, if you enjoy that, then put that in there!

Unfortunately, how much sleep you get influences your mornings. If I don’t get to bed by 11, I am slow functioning in the morning. So set yourself a goal time for bed. Try super hard to go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day (if your schedule allows for consistency). I find that being consistent with my bedtime and wake up time has immensely helped my productivity throughout each day! If you know me, I struggle when I am being unproductive – so anything to help me feel like I can accomplish more for my clients and peers brings me happiness!

So now you know what time you have to go to bed, what time you should get up in the morning, and what you would like to accomplish each morning to enjoy the day! Now you have to test it. The first couple of days might be easy because you’re energized by the idea! But once the “high” wears off, you need to stick with it. You might have to change things up if the original plan doesn’t work. I’ve tried multiple different routines, and I swap things out when I need to. You know yourself better than anyone else. So figure out what exactly you need, and go make it happen. You’ll find yourself feeling more productive with more energy throughout each day!

Try a few things out. Mix and match. Enjoy the process. This is about you and your health. Health is not defined by your outward appearance, but the internal part of you that makes you human! Getting your morning off to the best start is a great way to start working towards a healthier you!

Be Blessed Always, Coach Cate

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