ExerciseLifestyle Your Fitness Journey Motivation Boost

fitness journey motivation boost

One of the most important phases on the path to achieving your sports goals is undoubtedly the beginning.

How many times have you heard or even experienced discouraging situations at the gym that end up generating fear and preventing you from coming back to avoid a bad time?

Although it is undeniable that the gym can sometimes seem like a battlefield, it is also true that it is not the only place to initiate a positive change in your body. In sports centers, negative experiences are not the norm. In fact, they can become the necessary push to cultivate healthy habits that bring you closer and closer to your goals.

I have compiled a list of some things that can give you a boost to stay motivated in your early steps, factors that have helped me continue on the path and create a commitment with myself.


Allow yourself to reflect for a moment on how you felt as a child when visiting a playground. Do you remember the feeling that everything sparked your curiosity? Even sliding down the slide for the third time, it was still fun. Time at the playground seemed endless, and when it was time to leave, we didn’t want to go, eagerly anticipating tomorrow to return and relive that experience.

This is the vision I want you to have with your sports journey! Live it as if it were a playground because, more than a place where you will be to achieve your goals, it will become a space where you will invest many hours of your life!

So, dare without fear, go to the park, and see which games (exercises) you enjoy the most, and start playing!


Continuing with the analogy of the children’s playground, do you remember how easy it was to make friends? It was just a matter of asking if you could play, and in an instant, you were having a great time with other kids in the park. Well, now it’s not much different from those times; our mindset has changed, but the fact remains that we are social beings by nature.

Surrounding yourself with people who share a common goal will help you progress faster, stay motivated, and feel better about yourself, so it won’t be a bad idea to surround yourself with people who bring you closer to your goals. I’ll give you some examples of mini-communities that are created in this environment: Crossfit groups, Directed class groups (Zumba, Bodypump, Pilates, etc.), Calisthenics groups, etc.


Do you have a goal you want to achieve efficiently and don’t know how? A personal trainer is a fantastic idea in these cases! To choose your personal trainer, look for someone with the right certifications and experience, ask friends, or check testimonials to understand how they work and if they are compatible with you. Make sure they fit your lifestyle and are willing to adapt to your goals.

Try a free session if possible to feel their approach, and ensure that the schedules and location are convenient for you. Don’t forget to see that they are committed to their own development. In the end, trust your instincts to make the right decision. Find someone who makes exercise fun and effective for you!

Davephysik Personal Trainer

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