Your biggest successes will come when you master the four essential pillars of human performance.
The 4 Pillars of Human Performance:
1. Mindset
2. Training
3. Nutrition
4. Recovery
I purposefully rank mindset as #1 on this list. Without the ability to set goals, stay disciplined, understand delayed gratification, be open-minded, embrace discomfort, and many other factors related to how one thinks, acts, and reflects; it proves very difficult to maximize your athletic potential. Personally, reading, meditating, journaling, and understanding my worth outside of sports has been crucial to developing my mindset.
A personal favorite of mine, training has so many nuances and methodologies which keep me up at night. While new ideas are exciting to learn, the vastness of what it is out there is overwhelming. Enter principle-based thinking. “The methods are many, the principles are few” -Dr. Andy Galpin. Learn, experiment, reflect, and find your principles. As an athlete, find a coach who you can trust and gets results.
To be transparent, I refer out for almost all nutritional questions I get. Working in professional sports, I am fortunate to share an office with ELITE nutritionists. It would be silly not to utilize them. What I lose in learning about nutrition, I gain in mental bandwidth for other priorities. What I can say is, athletic success is not sustainable without proper fueling.
I am going to attempt to summarize recovery in one word… SLEEP. Explore different sleeping strategies: no blue light an hour prior to bed, read before falling asleep, no TVs in the bedroom, cold & dark sleeping environment, wear an eye mask, mouth tape to enforce nasal breathing, white noise, the list goes on. 8+ hours per night goes a long way with so many downstream benefits. The fancy recovery tools are cool too, get your sleep right first.
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