Exercise How Online Training Has Changed My Clients

This conversation about online training was one I had with a fellow trainer back in the fall of 2013. It took me over 2 years and a lot of research to wrap my head around working as a Fitness Trainer in the online world.

There is no way. I can’t see myself ever doing things online!  – I say firmly.

But you’re missing out, you’re missing how effective this could be for your business and your clients – he replies.

I don’t get it. Online? I mean, call me old fashioned but how does it work? Fitness training is about measuring, muscle imbalance testing, talking to clients, counseling them and physically being present while they move through a workout, isn’t it? –  I ask.

Sure, it is. But it’s also about so much more. Look at it like this… people like direction, right? People like technology and keeping up with the times right? –  he asks.

Yeah, yeah for the most part. –  I say.

People like to be held accountable to you, right? And more importantly people lead busy lives and don’t want to add yet another appointment to their schedule. Using this platform, you have options for motivation, accountability and cost effective training. Not to mention you can work from home and train anyone anywhere in the world! Seriously, think about this!

I see your point but I’m not sure this type of work is for me, at least not now  – I reply.

How Online Training Has Changed My Clients

I was skeptical. I was not convinced it could work and I’ll be honest, I’m a “late adopter” with technology and the latest gadgets. I needed time to really sit with such a decision before making the leap.  I was certainly not going to take advice from just anybody without feeling 100% convinced online training would work. I wanted to see others having success before investing in it myself.

With 10 years experience in the fitness industry and less than a year teaching in the virtual world, I can honestly share with you the benefits of making the switch from an in-person training business to a combination of both. The benefits were evident soon on, not only for my clients but also for my business.

There are three big things online training has done for my clients:

1 – More flexibility.

Online PT has given my clients far more flexibility in their training schedule. If they enjoy training in the morning then they can get up, open up their app, chose the workout they want to do and go to it. If they’re night owls or shift workers they can train anytime and the workouts are always created and waiting.

2 – More Accountability.

When I only see clients in-person 1-3 days/week this leaves a ton of dead time for them to fall off the wagon and lose sight of their goals. Working online allows for greater accountability, visual progress through charting and recording, client check-ins so I know what they are up to each day and several touch points with me as the week moves on and not just on training days.

3 – More cost effective.

In-person training runs anywhere from $50-120 per hour depending on the trainer. Most clients need to see a trainer 2-3 times each week to see progress. You do the math. Depending on the package a client chooses from my online training offerings, they have 24/7 support, motivation, accountability and clear, easy to follow workouts at their fingertips for a fraction of the cost.

There are also three big things online training has done for my business:

1 – Worldwide client base.

I can now train anyone in any part of the world as long as they have access to wifi. Take a moment to get your head around this one, I certainly did. With proper marketing and really putting yourself in the spotlight you can be seen and work with virtually anyone. I now service clients from the US, Germany and all over Canada.

2 – More clients at any given time.

In-person training is fun but it is also physically challenging after 8-10 hours/day 5-6 days a week. I found myself reaching the point of burnout about a year ago and knew something had to shift. Doing a combination of in-person and online training I can now service far more clients which increases revenue but with less physical demands on my body which decreases the wear and tear.

3 – Utilization of modern technology.

Without the use of Trainerize (and I researched training platforms until I was 100% convinced it was the best) and modern technology I would not be able to create custom workout videos, welcome videos, client messaging and any other fitness support my clients need to be successful. Trainerize is easy to use, effective for my clients and very customizable which was appealing to me.

When making the decision to switch to online personal training I wanted a guarantee it would work, people would find me and like what I had to offer. There was no way of knowing how this would roll out but I had to believe in myself, trust in my abilities and step into my expertise as a trainer in a world filled with many others vying to achieve the same goal.

Making the leap to work online has been enjoyable but also a of work. At the end of the day, I can see the future and longevity of what I am doing so this motivates me to continue. Visit my website at http://strengthandsoulwellness.com!

Every single client that has joined one of my online programs has told me that they love it, they like the accountability, motivations, videos and how user friendly the entire system is. I have even attracted skeptics like I was into my programs and they too are thrilled they made the investment into their health in this way.  

When we take the time to share our passion, build and create a motivational, inspiring environment, the people will come.

Working and learning online truly is the way of the future and the benefits really are endless.

If working with a trainer is something you are considering, wait no longer. Take the plunge and see for yourself how amazing it feels to invest in your health in this way.

If online training is something you are considering as a business venture you will not disappointed. Trust you are making the right decision and go for it!


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