Trainers Making the Most of Training Online

Most of Training Online

Did you know online personal training can benefit you as much as in-person training? It may seem like there are limitations, but these can be overcome with effective communication between you and your trainer. Let’s dive into the positives and review some of the limitations together.


The most obvious benefit to training online is that you can access your program anytime through the Trainerize mobile app or a connected device. This is unlike training in person which requires you to set a time and place to receive your training. Having detailed instructional videos at your fingertips is a miracle of technology and makes home workouts shine! Plus, two-way direct messaging with your trainer and real-time program updates allows your trainer to instantly add custom videos, provide more detailed instructions, and offer support if you’re struggling with a particular exercise or function.


It’s a no-brainer that having to schedule and meet with a trainer in person promotes accountability. But this can be achieved online as well. Ideally, you purchase an online program and fill out the consultation form. Then within 24-48 hours, you’ll receive a customized Action Plan along with your workout program that sets milestones in accordance with your fitness goals and the timeline of your program. Your trainer should check in throughout your program to encourage you towards your goals. This is powerful from an accountability perspective. Logging your workouts and tracking your stats through the Trainerize mobile app’s many progress features will also keep you moving and motivated!


This is a key feature that can’t be understated. Every program will need some tweaks and adjustments as you progress through it. Asking questions and integrating your trainer’s suggestions can seem easier in person. But two-way direct messaging with your trainer through the Trainerize app also allows you to ask your trainer questions and highlight your challenges, and allows your trainer to provide feedback, support, and real-time adjustments to your program. With access to constant contact with your trainer and the ability to have your concerns heard, you will feel confident trying a new approach because someone you trust has recommended it. Plus your trainer will send you regular check-in messages to remind you he or she always has your back.


One of my favorite features on Trainerize is the feedback function after you’ve completed a workout.  It allows you to grade the workout on a scale of 1 (easy) – 10 (hard) and/or write a note regarding the routine. This allows you to communicate to your trainer regarding difficulty, effectiveness and/or length of the workout as a few examples.  Keep in mind, without seeing how a client works through a movement, it can take a few attempts to find the right frequency, intensity, time and type of movement for your body (the FITT principle). The feedback function on Trainerize makes this process as easy as possible.


It’s important to set realistic goals and expectations for your online training. You are getting the care and attention of a personal trainer for a fraction of the price. In-person training allows for hands-on corrections, access to various equipment and immediate feedback, which isn’t available online. This is not to say you can’t have amazing results by training online. One successful strategy I find allows clients to effectively communicate to me what is and isn’t working. Clients send me videos of themselves performing an exercise through Instagram to my @torotactix account. This allows me to identify and see any stability or mobility issues a client may be having. Then further tailor their program by addressing those issues through specific mobility or stretching routines.

Remember, unlike a free program offered online, the Trainerize platform allows you to work with a fitness professional on how to overcome obstacles you experience as an individual. Finding free workouts online can take hours of research. It may not be right for your body or fitness goals.

Committing to an online trainer means someone has your best interest at heart and they are using their professional training and experience to help you feel good, move well, and be healthy.

Stay active and look to feed a positive mindset!

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