Lifestyle Anorexia: She Learned to Live in Her Own Body

I always was made fun of when I was younger because I was on the chunky side, so I guess you can say that I had a lot to do with it. Then, Anorexia!

I started out with blue fitness 1 year ago. Now, I love it more than anything!


I usually don’t tell people my business, but I will share a story with all of you. When I was 12 years old, I suffered from anorexia and bulimia very, very bad! I almost died. I went down to 98 lbs, I was hospitalized 7 or 8 times, inpatient with tubes in my nose feeding me because I refused to eat.

I’ve battled with my weight my whole life

I’ve been worrying about the number on the scale and looking in mirrors since always. I ate once a day due to fear of gaining weight. But then, blue fitness came into my life and has completely changed that I now do not worry about the number on the scale.

I Learned to Live in My Own Body

I eat 3 meals a day plus snacks protein etc. Blue fitness has taught me that you can eat and exercise and look your best. I still look into mirrors, but that’s only to check out my results, LOL. Blue fitness is the way to go wouldn’t change or go back for anything. Thank you, blue fitness!

You do not have to stop eating to live in your body. Just eat right not less and all the results you have ever wanted will come to you.

Believe in yourself!

Here are pics from then to today:

Anorexia: She Learned to Live in Her Own Body sister abs sister collage

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