LifestyleNutrition Should I Change My Nutrition If I Am Exercising?


Should I change my nutrition?

You are getting more serious about your fitness! Although you may not be entering the next Olympics, you are moving a lot more than you used to and wondering whether you should be eating more or changing the types of foods you are eating.

I am going to help you out plus give you a FREEBIE at the end to help even more. Keep reading!

We need energy to survive. Fact! When we have less energy we feel lethargic, we are moody as anything and we have less motivation when we are running low on our energy source.

What is our body’s preferred source of energy?

Carbohydrates is our main fuel for any exercise. It promotes strength and endurance, delays muscle fatigue, and also helps to speed up recovery, meaning fewer injuries for us and keeping our motivation and endorphins flowing when we are doing that exercise.

It is converted to glucose. When there is too much (You consume too many carbs) the excess is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, which is ready for you to use as and when you need it.

The faster glycogen depletes and fatigue can set in.

The combination of resistance training & sufficient overall calories and protein will help to build muscle. Without enough carbohydrates, protein will be used used for energy instead which is not optimal for your energy or your body for a prolonged period of time. When you increase training, your appetite generally increases too. It is easy to then consume more that way while you are finding your new routine and nutrition habits around this.

Also, it is about the combination of foods you are consuming that will help with your satiety levels.


Dietary Fat can be converted into fatty acids before being taken up by muscle, it acts as a support fuel. For example, during low-intensity edurance exercise such as long-distance running, when glycogen runs low, this is where your fat stored will be used by the energy. It has slower avaliability than that of carbohydrates. For this reason it is also why you should avoid eating fats just before training. At least 20% overall calorie intake should come from healthy fats.


Proteins’ primary role is to build & rebuild muscle. You want to aim to eat 1.2g – 2g per kilo of body weight. According to the W.H.O it is suggested you consume around 0.8g per kilo of body weight however from experience and working with a variety of women I would claim this is too low. It will enable you to reach a very basic minimum that your body requires. In the lower range (1.2g) for endurance and the higher range (2g) for strength training. Opt for lean or low-fat foods like skinless chicken & yoghurt, protein is more effectively absorbed from food than suppliments.


Signs that your diet isn’t meeting your energy needs include fatigue, poor sleep quality, & irregular bowel movements. If you experience these, look back through all of the above points. Also, consult a DR as there may be some underlying issues.

If you would like to discuss nutrition in more detail or have questions please reach out to me, I am always happy to help and chat to you.
Michelle Motivates Ltd

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