Exercise Workouts with Knee Pain. Substitution of Popular Exercises.

knee pain

Many people have problems with their knees for various reasons. Engaging in sports with knee pain or discomfort should be done with special caution, as knees undergo daily stress (such as walking, running, and jumping) and knee pain can affect the quality of life.

So let’s take a look at the main causes of knee pain and discomfort.

Arthritis. This is a degenerative process in the knee cartilage, which wears out with age or after injuries, as well as with a large body mass. Rheumatoid arthritis is a variety of arthritis that is characterized by additional inflammation of the knee ligaments.

Tendinitis. This is an inflammation of the knee joint ligaments. It occurs due to overload during activity (jumping, running).

Meniscus tear. It occurs in knee injuries. The meniscus is a kind of shock absorber for the knee joint, but with excessive loads it can tear, causing pain.

Strained knee ligaments. It occurs in injuries and excessive loads, improper leg positioning during sports, wearing uncomfortable shoes.

With one or more of the above problems, improper sports training can worsen the situation, so workouts should be tailored to existing problems.

Based on my own experience of training in the gym and on scientific research, I will give you the best recommendations for training with knee pain. I will also give you alternative exercises for exercises with a high risk for knees.

  1. Warm-up (5 minutes on a cycle at an easy pace) and stretch the leg muscles.
  2. If you experience sharp pain during exercise, stop the exercise and consult a doctor.
  3. Choose the right cardio workouts. Running can cause increased stress on the knees, which can cause pain, so I recommend choosing workouts on an a cycle, elliptical, swimming, and aqua aerobics.
  4. Avoid exercises that involve jumping.
Alternative options for popular exercises that you can replace when you have knee pain:

First, as with any other workout, warm up. I do not recommend rotating the knees strongly – this is their unnatural position. Move your knees in their natural range of motion – forward and backward and slightly to the sides.

So, below I will list the most common exercises where the knees are heavily involved.

1. Barbell Squats

This exercise is complex, but has a high degree of impact on the knees, especially when technique is not followed properly (such as knees extending beyond toes, or knees bending inward).

  • As an alternative, I can recommend the following exercises – leg curls/leg extensions on a machine.
  • Another alternative could be Smith Machine Squats. However, it should be remembered that squats with free weights and on a Smith machine are different things. When squatting on a Smith machine, keep your feet in front, not as in squats with a barbell at the level of the bar. This way, you will not create excessive pressure on your knee joints.
  • The next alternative exercise could be Deadlifts. Yes, many believe that this exercise causes knee pain, but this is not the case when it is performed correctly. Do not let your knees turn inward when performing this exercise. Also, don’t forget about your back, as rounding it can lead to lower back pain. If, for some reason, you find it difficult to perform this type of deadlift, try Sumo Deadlift. The principle is the same, except that your legs are wide apart and your toes are pointing outward. The main principle of this exercise is to keep your back straight and your knees should always go in the direction of your toes, not away from them.
2. Leg press

This exercise puts increased pressure on the knees. For people with knee injuries, such as meniscus tear, osteoarthritis, and patellofemoral pain syndrome, this exercise should be replaced. Alternatives can be the following exercises:

  • Seated leg extension. This exercise allows you to isolate the quadriceps. Perform this exercise with a light weight and focus on slow, controlled movements.
  • Glute bridge. This exercise primarily involves the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. It is performed with bodyweight or with weights, such as a weight plate held in the pelvic area.
  • Bulgarian split squats. This exercise helps develop the glutes, quadriceps, and adductor muscles. Additionally, it helps develop the stabilizer muscles in the legs. When performing this exercise, it is important to remember that the knees should not go beyond the toe line to avoid placing increased stress on the knee joints.
3. Lunges

This is a good exercise for developing leg muscles and stabilization. However, forward lunges can cause painful and unpleasant sensations in people with knee pain. A good alternative to this exercise can be reverse lunges. They help reduce the load on the knee joint, which can help avoid further knee problems.

4. Step-ups

They cause increased stress on the knee joint. A good alternative is glute kickback. This exercise effectively works the gluteal muscles.

In this article, I have provided several alternative leg exercises that may cause knee pain. Of course, every person is different, and some exercises may cause pain for some people but not for others. The above alternative exercises are just a recommendation. If you experience knee pain while performing exercises, you should immediately stop and consult a doctor.

I wish you effective and comfortable workouts!

Mountry Fit

Image by jcomp on Freepik


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