Wellness What is Wellness


What is Wellness?  My wellness journey has evolved over the last 17 years. I started practicing yoga and slowly switching my diet, reducing animal proteins and dairy products out of my lifestyle. My husband was diagnosed with celiac disease 16 years ago at this point we incorporated gluten free into our lifestyle. I naturally lost weight, felt better, had more energy and less allergies. My husband’s health improved immensely. During this time, I also enrolled in a Holistic Nutrition and Health class becoming a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Certified in Plant Based Nutrition. Working with clients one on one or in a group setting to achieve their personal wellness goals.

“Don’t compromise yourself, you are all you’ve got” Janis Joplin

It is not just my state of mind it is my complete lifestyle.  From the food we consume, the exercise routine you practice, friends you choose to share your time with, to and your total mindset.  Wellness and wellbeing is an ongoing journey through our life, we don’t wake up one day with all the answers for a perfect full healthy life. Your wellness today could be ½ your body weight in water. Next month you may increase your wellness by incorporating a yoga stretch class, or walking 30 minutes into your lifestyle, learning new breathing techniques and incorporating movements and balance to achieve a better state of Wellness. Yoga and mobility are one of my favorite wellness practices along with my green juices and smoothies I make daily (Recipe below).

This journey to Wellness is personal; we all have different needs, wants and goals. I feel complete wellness does not come with a prescription and you will not find it in a bottle.

Everybody has a different wellness calendar; hopefully we make these conscious wellness changes before illness and disease are present. It is possible to reverse disease it is harder to fight this fight once the wellness and health of our body is compromised.

I put together a few recommendations to start you off on your new wellness lifestyle.
  • Drink a minimum of ½ body weight in ounces in water a day. Water hydrates all our cells and regulates blood pressure.
  • In my house I have this rule for my daughter. Eat at least 1 green vegetable a day whether it is broccoli, spinach, cucumber, bok choy, or kale. Green vegetables aid in detoxifying the body as well as purifying the blood and balancing the body’s pH.
  • Take a daily probiotic. A probiotic puts the good bacteria back into your body, helping you fight of diseases and infections, strengthening the immune system and aid in nutrients being absorbed.
  • Reduce the amount of dairy and animal proteins you consume. This will reduce the amount of saturated fat you consume as well as reducing cholesterol intake. Where do I get my protein and calcium I hear you say, from a number of other sources from legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Dairy has also been correlated to a number of health diseases, a great source for more information on this is The China Study written by T Colin Campbell, PhD.
  • Increase your fiber: 25-38 grams is the recommend daily requirement according to The Institute of Medicine. An apple contains 5 grams of fiber, choice whole fruit over juices, snack of raw vegetables and switch to whole grains.
  • Try and exercise class or come find me at the Pelican fitness center: Start with a gentle stretch, relaxing the mind and muscles of the body. Maybe a sauna, or schedule an appointment with me for a personal training session or wellness program.
My Daily Greens Juice/Smoothie

This can be either blended in you Vitamix or Nurta-bullet or juiced in your juicer. Remember to wash all fruits and vegetables before using.

  1. one apple, cored sliced into quarters
  2. an orange, peeled
  3. one lemon, peeled
  4. 1 stalk of celery
  5. 1-2 handfuls of spinach or kale
  6. 1 carrot, chopped
  7. 4 oz. coconut water or spring water
  8. ½ cup crushed ice

Place all ingredients into blender and blend till smooth. Makes 32oz. of smoothie/ 16oz. fresh juice. If juicing, juice all ingredients except coconut water and ice, these can be added to juice after if you wish.

Pay it forward and start incorporating wellness into your daily lifestyle today. It really is that easy!
Eat Well Live Well Now

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