LifestyleWellness We Have Control Over Our Body!

control over body

We have control over our body! If we input the right data, we get exactly what we want out.

In 2012 I took my first Nutrition class.

I was just starting my nursing bachelor at the time and had to take an introductory 101 Nutrition course before getting into the more in-depth shit. The very first class blew my mind! It opened up the door to my new passions and a major change.

I had read my first scholarly article on nutritional sciences.

It stated that my generation, millennials, have the ability to live to 130 years old.

Now, hold on before your head spins and thinks: “I don’t want to be that old!”

We automatically think of our grandparents and great-grandparents who are about 70-85 years old. They deal with joint pain, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, diabetes… and the list goes on.

Seeing my own great-grandparents live to just over 90 years old was a blessing. But I can’t help to think about their lifestyles and really how they made it that long. I had a great grandpa who, I swear, I only saw him consume chewing tobacco and pork tenderloins deep fried in vegetable oil with white flour and a side of chocolate chip cookies because they were his favorite. But the thing is my great-grandpa lived a great life for someone who had no access to the knowledge we have today. Or even the desire to learn and educate himself on eating a balanced diet or what the increased risks were with tobacco. He just lived his life.

If I just lived my life, without taking any interest in education and deprived my body of nutrients, I am sure genetically I would have a long healthy life till around 90.

But what if 130 is the new 90?

What if you can feel like you are 30 years old, in your prime, well into your 60s…or 70s even.

I honestly became obsessed with how the body works so I could understand the aging process along with the pathways that are affected by literally everything we eat. Genes are even turned on and off based on specific nutrients.

The takeaway here is that:

We have control over our body.

It is a machine, some even say a computer. If we input the right data we get exactly what we want out. Are there guarantees? Of course not!

But I will eat a bowl of broccoli for every chocolate chip cookie I have. I will exercise and push myself in the gym to stay active and energized. If I have wine I’ll make sure I drink water.

It’s about learning what makes us feel our best and finding balance in a world with too many artificial flavors. Too many Instagram professionals pushing the wrong products. Or too many doctors prescribing medications that we can solve with whole foods and more movement.

We owe it to our family and friends, but more importantly, we owe it to ourselves.

Stay Valkyrie Strong!

Valkyrie Fitness


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