Nutrition Sugar Detox – All You Need to Know

Here is all you need to know about sugar detox.

Although I am very committed to my fitness work, I have personally battled issues with my diet.
I eat fairly healthy most meals, but have struggled with an addiction to sugar my entire life.

As I have always been devoted to working out, I have been fortunate enough that it has not significantly fluctuated my weight. But it has most certainly controlled a large part of my diet. I have always seen dessert as the finishing part of a meal. And I use it as a reward and justify how much I eat for how hard I exercise. Sometimes I eat high sugar foods like dessert up to three times a day. I have tried detoxing before several times, but it has always pulled me back in. Different plans of action work for different people, but going cold turkey has never worked for me.

Sugar Detox - All You Need to Know

Sugar Detox – All You Need to Know

Since I am currently working on doing this in a more achievable way, I thought I would share some of my research and insight over the past week. Some of this is nutritional information that I have known for a long time. But sometimes knowledge is not enough to promote change. My lack of energy is most certainly causing me to revisit my high sugar intake issue, once again.

Sugar fuels every cell in the brain. Your brain sees sugar as a reward. It is a tough habit to break when you use sugar as a prize. Sugar is quickly turned into glucose in the bloodstream. After consuming it, blood sugar levels rise.

Blood sugar regulation is a process in which levels of blood sugar are maintained by the body. It is normally controlled by two pancreatic hormones, insulin and glucagon. Incorrect breakdown of these hormones can promote weight gain. Being conscientious of our diet can help control this regulation process.

Carbohydrates have sugar that cause an immediate reaction in blood sugar levels. Fruits, veggies, and dairy have fiber and protein that slow the spike in blood sugar levels. In the opposing situation, blood sugar levels may also drop low due to rapid changes during the hormone process. This can cause your body to feel tired and leads us searching for more sweets for another “high”.

Be prepared for some hard commitment. Coming off of high sugar intake may cause irritating symptoms for a few days. Headache, fatigue, irritability are all things you may feel as you wean your body off of this addiction.

Carbs role in the blood sugar process

When people eat food containing carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks down the digestible ones into sugar, which enters the blood.

As blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that prompts cells to absorb blood sugar for energy or storage…
{As cells absorb blood sugar, levels in the bloodstream begin to fall.}
{When this happens, the pancreas start making glucagon, a hormone that signals the liver to start releasing stored sugar.}
{This interplay of insulin and glucagon ensure that cells throughout the body, and especially in the brain, have a steady supply of blood sugar.}

Make small changes first. Large changes to your diet are a shock to your body and may work short-term, but can derail long-term success.

Tips for kicking high sugar intake:

1) drink more water
2) eat more complex carbs such as: whole grains, vegetables, beans, fruits
3) exercise
4) use fruit as a snack for when sweet cravings hit
5) eat high-protein foods like: eggs, yogurt, nuts, beans

High-protein, high-fiber foods leave you feeling fuller longer, and provide you more energy. The American Heart Association recommends a daily maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons of sugar for men.

Benefits of eating less sugar:

1) more energy
2) weight loss
3) lower risk for disease
4) improved skin
5) more energy

I am still adjusting to the lower intake right now, but will keep you all updated on the progress as I go along. There are always things in our fitness lifestyle we can continue working on, just as in every part of our life. I am determined to continue finding alternatives to high sugar desserts, and break the cycle that can leave our bodies feeling so dang crummy.

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