Wellness What Really gets Results?

In this day and age, there is so much out there in regards to exercise and diets, the majority of the population constantly fall for the quick fixes and false promises with no results!

What Really gets Results?

Don’t fall for “great deals”

As a personal trainer and online coach, I see it time and time again. Far too often, people are willing to spend money on shakes and cookie cutter programs that just aren’t made for their limitations and goals. At first, these appear to be “great deals”! But adding up all of these minor expenses quickly add up!

Lasting results come from customised workout and nutrition

Of course, these cookie cutter programs can give initial results, but lasting results just don’t happen from doing the same thing everyone else is doing for the rest of your life. Your nutrition much change, your workouts much change. This leads to a popular question: What REALLY gets results? Truth is, personalised and individualised workouts and nutrition does. These are not overnight changes, but will create lasting habits and lead to incredible results! Customised instruction helps you to be able to follow a program completely as is, guaranteeing results for YOU!

Cheaper doesn’t always mean better

I’ve seen two completely different individuals, a 61-year-old male who is extremely overweight and suffers from previous torn rotator cuff injuries, and a 32-year-old underweight female doing the exact same program, simply because it was “cheaper”. Cheaper doesn’t always mean better, especially when you compare what you are receiving. Some things are just better to prioritise.

The gentleman I mentioned recently underwent a fourth surgery due to re-injuring that rotator cuff just last month! Doctors suggested it was most likely from the popular DVD program he was following.

It just goes to show that ultimately, your health is worth the investment!

Aim for lasting, positive outcome.

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