LifestyleWellness Living Fit

living fit

Living fit goes far beyond the physical aspects. It’s about your ability to align with the flow of the whole so that you can live this life to the fullest!

What is fitness?

Well, the webster dictionary describes it as, “the quality or state of being fit” or “the capacity of an organism to survive and transmit its genotype to reproductive offspring as compared to competing organisms”. Both definitions make logical sense.

Now let’s unpack this.

What does it really mean to be fit?

I believe it’s solely about perspective and how you see your own body and overall health. It’s about how you feel on the inside so that you reflect a beautiful world on the outside. It’s about bringing yourself to peak performance. It is about recognizing that your body is an asset.

But we can go even deeper with this…

Understand that while physical fitness is great, it is not the only thing that one should seek.

How about your emotional fitness?

Does this ring a bell? Emotional fitness is the ability to understand your emotions and become more aware of what you are feeling. An emotionally fit person has learned to respond to their emotions in healthy ways, rather than letting their emotions overtake them. Emotional fitness, just as physical fitness, requires extensive training and understanding.

How about spiritual fitness?

Do you have a sense of purpose in your life? How do you see the world? What are your values? What are your morals? Do you lack connectiveness to the whole?

The truth is, living fit goes far beyond the physical aspects. It’s about being the most powerful version of yourself so that you may be of service to others, and it’s about training your mind as well as your body so that you can reach out and grab everything that is yours. It’s about your ability to align with the flow of the whole so that you can live this life to the fullest.

Let’s BE fit.


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