Lifestyle Intermittent Fasting – Why It’s So Good

Intermittent Fasting - Why Its So Good

Fasting is not a form of losing weight, but more of a lifestyle. You can eat on certain windows depending on your goals.

When thinking about a “scheme” or diet to lose weight I always wondered if there is such a thing as a diet? Or is it more of a restriction.

Fasting is actually something we all do.

When we sleep until the time we break out fast i.e breakfast. Break-fast. It doesn’t have to be in the morning either we all eat breakfast certain times throughout the day.

Have you ever missed a meal and it felt forever, but for some reason you didn’t just pass out from the exhaustion of having no energy? Its because our body uses ketones as energy when no food is present. It’s a big reason why our body stores fast in the first place to prepare for a feminine.

Feast & fast has been a part of our very biology since we first walked this earth.

It’s proven your body repairs a vast amount of cells when you fast and you become more insulin sensitive. Diabetes happens when you become insulin insensitive so having the other happen can never be a bad thing. Above all, if you eat in an 8-hour window its almost impossible to eat as much as you would if you did in the morning.

It’s also proven that a 10-hour eating window is the best for the muscle growth period. It is extremely important to stay disciplined on your fasts any little calorie can ruin everything and then you’ll have to start eating like normal for the rest of the day.

I hope I was able to spike your interest with fasting because it also will help with life longevity to live longer I’m trying to save one person at a time.

Remember Live to Lift.

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