Exercise Fire up Those Glutes… The Triple Threat Works!

If you’ve ever been told your glutes aren’t firing or that your hamstrings are weak, the Triple Threat is the perfect solution to target those glutes, hamis, lower back, and abdominals.

To maximize results, never let your lower back touch the ground when performing all three segments of this exercise, and never rest between each segment, rather complete 12-15 reps of the first exercise, immediately followed by 12-15 reps of the second exercise, immediately followed by 12-15 reps of the third exercise. Once the last repetition of the final exercise is performed, lower your back to the ground and relax for 30-60 seconds, then repeat the entire sequence a second time. Rest again 30-60 seconds and perform the entire cycle one last set, for a total of 3 sets. To do this exercise, lie supine (face up) on the ground with a stability ball underneath your feet. Knees should be bent. For beginners, keep your arms out to your sides for a wide base support (more advanced athletes may move their arms in toward their body line).

(1) Perform a high bridge by lifting your hips off the floor toward the ceiling. Lower a few inches (never letting your lower back touch the ground), then raise back up again. That’s one rep. Complete 12-15 reps.


(2) Perform a hamstring curl by rolling the ball forward with your feet, taking care to not let your back touch the ground, nor losing control of the ball beneath your feet. Pull the ball back in until your knees are once again bent. That is one rep. Complete 12-15 reps, never letting your lower back touch the ground.


(3) Perform a straight leg or “low” bridge by lifting your hips off the ground while your calves are resting on the ball (not the soles of your feet as in #1). Your legs should be almost straight when performing this third exercise. Complete 12-15 reps, never letting your lower back touch the ground until the very last rep!! Phew! Okay, NOW you can rest… but only 30-60 seconds and then you must do all three exercises in a row 2-3 more times. You can do it… think about how sexy and strong your legs will become by doing this exercise a few times throughout the week!

Hellooooo glutes and hamis!!!



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