Lifestyle D-MoActive: The Issue with Loose Skin

Loose skin

Expert Question: What is the biggest problem you have when it comes to your health and weight? 

Client Answer: My biggest problem is the loose skin that I have developed on my stomach due to weight loss.  


Loose skin is one of the most challenging subjects to deal with both physically and mentally when it comes to weight loss. After a significant amount of weight has been lost, skin tends to stay stretched and cause loose skin. Personally, I have lost 75lbs and deal with loose skin on the bottom part of my stomach. As I slowly lost weight throughout my journey, I noticed my stomach size decreasing, but my skin sagged more and more. On the one hand, it is a good feeling to see the loose skin there as a reminder of how hard I worked and where I came from. On another hand, I see other people who never dealt with major weight loss, and I feel somewhat worse about myself because I don’t look the same as other people who have a nice tight stomach.  

Consistency is key

Unfortunately, there is not a quick fix that will eliminate the problem. In some situations, surgery is the only option since the body can’t tighten an excessive amount of skin naturally. I haven’t lost hundreds of pounds, so I am not in the position to need surgery or anything of that nature, but I do have enough loose skin to cause me to try and find solutions for it. I have tried a few different methods such as skin tightening creams and taking collagen supplements but due to results not coming fast, I gave up on those. Perhaps, if I had stayed the course with the products, I would have slowly seen my skin tighten over time. There are studies that show that there are a few different ways to slowly tighten the skin that don’t require a procedure. It is important to note that the results won’t happen overnight and that can be discouraging. It took consistency to lose weight and it will take the same consistency to start tightening your skin.  

The biggest solution that I have seen through research is staying hydrated. Proper hydration has countless benefits in the body and improving skin elasticity is one of them. Also, you should eat enough protein, along with having a well-balanced diet. Building muscle is another thing that will be beneficial in improving the appearance of your skin. Taking collagen supplements as well as using firming creams can be helpful but firming creams are usually a temporary solution.  

In conclusion

The takeaway that I have discovered through the issue of nagging loose skin is that it is possible to tighten the skin, it just takes time. The same things you did to lose weight in the first place should be done to slowly get rid of your loose skin, such as hydrating, eating healthy, and exercising. The things that you can do will help but it takes time and patience, and you must let your body take care of itself.  


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