Exercise 20 Snarky Reasons to Workout

20 Snarky Reasons to Workout:

20 Snarky Reasons to Workout:

  1. To look hot naked, confidence and aesthetics. 
  2. To impress your friends at the beach, and make them evaluate their life choices.
  3. To make your ex jealous, and show them what they’re missing.
  4. To be able to keep up with your pets, and their unfair 4 leg advantage.
  5. To enjoy food, without worrying about becoming morbidly obese.
  6. To have more energy, so you can actually get through the day without feeling like a complete zombie.
  7. To sleep better, so you can finally wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world…..or at least make it to the coffee pot.
  8. To reduce stress, you can stop being such a grouch all the time…just reserve that for most of the time.
  9. To boost your mood, so you can actually enjoy life instead of just trudging through it.
  10. To improve your self-esteem, so you can finally break through some mental blocks.
  11. To feel more confident, so you can finally speak up in meetings and in personal situations.
  12. To be a better lover, in comparison to out-of-shape you. Lifting can only do so much.
  13. To be a better parent, so you can keep up with your kids and set a good example for them.
  14. To be a better friend, so you’re healthy enough to be there for your friends.
  15. To be a better person by reaching more of your potential, so you can make the world a better place.
  16. To just feel good, because you deserve it.
  17. To prove everyone who doubted you wrong.
  18. To show yourself what you’re capable of.
  19. To challenge yourself and grow as a person.
  20. To have fun and enjoy the process.
I hope you enjoyed these, share with a friend who needs some snarky motivation!

If you need a bit of help getting started, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can check out my available Trainerize programs here: https://www.trainerize.me/profile/dubosebodytransformations/Jerrod.DuBose/

You can catch up with me for a free 15 minute body transformation session here: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/bookings/online_coaching/bodytransformationsession

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