LifestyleWellness #2/52 Weeks of Wellbeing


Wellbeing Tips

Hey Troops,

What’s happening?

Buckle up because this week’s wellbeing tool is an absolute game-changer – and it’s as simple as hitting the delete button.


Everything that doesn’t bring you value.

Everything that doesn’t put a smile on your face.

Everything that doesn’t inspire you to strive for more and step your game up.

Why, you ask? Because what we consume, we become. If what you’re consuming isn’t bringing value, joy, or inspiration, then what is it doing?

We’ve got a limited time on this planet, so why waste it on anything other than what you deserve and what will help you live a happier and healthier existence?

Now, I know this might sound a bit harsh, but it’s a fact.

This might even mean hitting that delete button on certain friends and family members. Why? Because what they post or share might not be the best use of your limited energy.

And here’s the hard truth – just because someone is family doesn’t mean you have to listen to what they have to say. Just because they’re a friend doesn’t mean you have to soak in their negative energy.

Remember the old saying, “you are a product of your environment.”

If that environment isn’t uplifting, inspiring, and pushing you toward greatness, it’s time to clear some space.

Why Deleting Matters

The digital age bombards us with an incessant flow of information. From social media updates to news articles, we are constantly absorbing content. But not all content is created equal.

Much of it can be noise – distractions that steal your focus and energy.

Deleting doesn’t just apply to your digital world; it extends to your physical space and relationships too.

It’s about creating room for positivity, growth, and success. So, let’s break down why hitting that delete button is so crucial:

1. Time is Limited:

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Every minute spent consuming content that doesn’t contribute positively to your life is a minute lost. Deleting unnecessary elements gives you back precious time to focus on what truly matters – your goals, passions, and personal development.

2. Protect Your Energy:

Negative energy is contagious. Whether it’s in the form of online posts or real-life conversations, it seeps into your psyche. By deleting or distancing yourself from negative influences, you create a protective shield around your energy. This shield is essential for maintaining a positive mindset and achieving your aspirations.

3. Intentional Living:

Life is too short to be lived on autopilot. Deleting serves as a deliberate act of curating your life. It’s about intentionally choosing what you allow into your world. This intentional living aligns your actions with your goals, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

4. Mental and Emotional Space:

Your mind is a powerful tool, but it has limited space. Clutter it with negativity, and there’s less room for creativity, inspiration, and problem-solving. Deleting is a way of decluttering your mental and emotional space, creating an environment conducive to growth and well-being.

5. Quality Over Quantity:

It’s not about the quantity of content, relationships, or possessions you have; it’s about the quality. Deleting allows you to streamline your life, focusing on the meaningful and impactful elements. Quality experiences, quality relationships, and quality content lead to a richer, more fulfilling life.

The Challenge and the Change

Sure, hitting that delete button might seem like a small, inconsequential act. But in reality, it’s a powerful catalyst for change.

It’s about changing the narrative, challenging the status quo, and shaping the story of your life in 2024.

This is more than a recommendation; it’s an invitation to actively participate in your wellbeing. It’s about acknowledging that your mental and emotional space is valuable real estate.

You wouldn’t allow a landfill in your living room; similarly, don’t let negativity and distractions clutter your mental space.

The challenge is to be intentional about what you allow in. It’s about being discerning in your choices, whether it’s the content you consume, the relationships you nurture, or the thoughts you entertain.

By doing so, you’re not just hitting the delete button; you’re hitting the reset button on your life.

Creating Room for Positivity

Now, practically speaking, what does hitting that delete button look like?

  1. Social Media Cleanse. Review your social media accounts. Unfollow or mute accounts that don’t contribute positively to your life. Your digital space should be a source of inspiration, not comparison or negativity.
  2. Evaluate Relationships. Assess the relationships in your life. While it’s not about cutting ties with everyone, it’s essential to recognize which relationships contribute positively and which might be draining. Create boundaries to protect your energy.
  3. Mindful Consumption. Be mindful of the content you consume. Whether it’s news, entertainment, or personal development materials, choose quality over quantity. If it’s not adding value, consider letting it go.
  4. Declutter Your Physical Space. A clean physical space promotes a clear mind. Take time to declutter your living and working spaces. Donate or discard items that no longer serve a purpose.
  5. Daily Affirmations. Integrate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Affirmations help shape your mindset and reinforce the positivity you’re inviting into your life.

Remember, the act of deletion isn’t just about removing; it’s about making space for something better. It’s about creating room for positivity, growth, and success to enter your life.

So, Troops, it’s time to hit that delete button with intention. Clear the path for a successful year – a year where you are the curator of your destiny.

Here’s to intentional living, cutting out the noise, and crafting a life that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Much Love,


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