Exercise Ways to Maximize Your Fasted Training!

fasted training

Before I start, I want to clarify that training fasted is not the most optimal form of training, not even fasted cardio. Yes, I said it: NOT EVEN FASTED CARDIO!


Why not? That’s a topic for another day!

Now that I let that out, let’s get this party started.

Even though I know is not optimal to train fasted, some folks are very busy and the only time they have, is early in the am. If this is you, of course, I fully support that you train fasted. It is always better to get something rather than nothing, especially if you are only doing to stay active and to keep your total health/ wellbeing in check. If you are training to go to the Olympics, then you may need to find another solution. Ok, enough of the chit chat and let’s get to the point.

There are a few ways to maximize your fasted training.

1. Sleep more:

Sleep more. I don’t need to explain the benefits of sleeping, you already know how powerful it is. Even thought this sound simple, it is extremely powerful, and people take it for granted and it is very underrated. You would be surprise on how you will feel, more energy, alertness and help you take that fatiguing sensation out of your body. Sleep is one of, if not the most important components to have a killer workout, whether that’s fasted or fed.

Don’t try to play tough and be team no sleep. That’s just digging a ditch and hurting yourself. Plan, schedule and be more organized with your sleep schedule it will benefit you greatly. Try becoming more regimented with it.


If you are a parent with small children I know this is an extremely challenging, but not impossible task. Take a look at how you spend your time in a day and see where you can prioritize yourself. How? Try some sleep hygiene techniques, like: Less screen time before bed, reading, meditating, etc, find what works better for you.

2. Eat a bigger meal the night before:

This is another tip that you could use if trying to get the most out of your fasted training. It is simple, but it could provide your body with more energy due to of course the volume of food and calories allowing you to perform better.


3. Eating a meal higher in fat the night before:

This goes with my previous point of eating a bigger meal the night before training.  Eating more fats is beneficial in this case, why? Because fats normally slow down the digesting process, it takes more time to digest fats compared to carbs. This will allow nutrients to stay longer in your system. This is what you want if you are training fasted because most importantly, it will provide energy to fuel your workout.

4. Pre-workout or EAAs:

I left this for last because it includes the most complex step of all, adding supplement to your diet. Yes, I get it, pre-workout or EAAs are not that big of a deal, but sleeping more, eating more, or adding more fat to your meals is way simpler and cost-effective than buying supplements

Why these two products?

Pre-workout has caffeine in it, which therefore will provide energy during your workout and the name itself implies what is made for PRE workout, it is meant to stimulate you.

For the EAAs, you could kind of use it as a pre-workout, drinking it before and during your workout. Long story short, even though it is not quite as effective as a pre-workout to give you energy, (to put it in simple terms) it does help “feed” your body during your workout, which is extremely helpful for you to keep pushing. Also, the flavour in it, make it more appealing than plain water which can work as placebo!

Here you go, even though they are not the sexiest or more flashy techniques, I can assure you that they work and can help you boost your training. Remember, the better your training, the better your results. You may not care about performance or whatever, but why not look for ways to make your workouts better?

Do not fall in the FAD traps, you are better than that. If you would like more tips or would like to work with me, just email me at [email protected] or add me on Instagram @vangaless and DM me.

Until next time, nos vemos!


Aquam Fitness

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