Exercise Using Fitness Logs for Success

ACSM has identified “Mobile Exercise Apps” as the second biggest growing trend worldwide. Exercise apps serve your average health enthusiast by assisting them on their fitness journeys. There are AI-driven apps as well as those with a human touch. No matter the preference these apps ultimately serve as logs. These logs or journals improve the chances of success in reaching fitness goals. Logging data is crucial for achieving efficient progress in any area of life. By logging data, RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion), heart rate, exercise type, and other metrics, the individual builds self-efficacy, and sets realistic goals along with the challenges that get them there. 


Self Efficacy

Self-efficacy is one’s belief in their ability to accomplish a task and is a crucial building block for intrinsic motivation. Like signing a name on a contract, the log of efforts and results is binding. They must be accepted in order to build confidence and resilience. Tracking micro gains like weight loss/gain, increased rep count, or higher energy levels are reminders of the immediate benefits of having a weekly fitness routine.

However, progress feels daunting when progress seems slow or stifled, especially in pursuit of long-term goals. Keeping data allows for informed decision-making and prevents unnecessary motion. Being able to review past actions, achievements, and shortcomings allows the opportunity to fine-tune the plan and take data-driven actions. 

Data-Driven Goals and Challenges

Baseline data sets the tone for an appropriate plan. If there’s a goal to run longer, it’s worth logging data related to heart rate, RPE, mile times, etc. What about strength gains? Whether machine or free weights, max load, sub load, and even nutrient data are required to develop appropriate progression models and meal plans. Adding another layer to the mix, the presence of health conditions greatly influences the path to success. That’s to say an individual with high blood pressure wouldn’t undergo the same rigorous routine as that of a professional gymnast. That same person is still in need of a plan, and exercise has been proven to mitigate and/or reverse health issues. The plan must be appropriately challenging. It can’t be too easy to where the body doesn’t stimulate any adaptations, nor too difficult to where it can’t adapt at all.

Challenges are always present on the path to success. Beyond the planned challenges, many factors prevent people from reaching their goals. With foresight, you can create plans to tackle these problems as they arise. Common tips like “have your clothes ready before you sleep,” “pack a lunch,” “read a book before bed,” and “find a coach” all aim to cover an identified deficit in behavior, the type of behavior that leads to failure. It ranges from not having the resources to a lack of accountability. Logging behavioral tendencies, space or equipment limitations, and energy levels provides the opportunity to plan ahead. 


When pursuing goals, you must log exercise routines and efforts consistently. There is a sense of achievement when reviewing accomplishments, and ownership when faced with challenges. Keeping goal-specific data will fine-tune and individualize an exercise plan. Including behavioral data helps to add the element of mindfulness into the journey. Take steps today by exploring the app store and free health logs provided by your carrier. Reach out to professionals to help establish a data-driven plan and improve health status. 

Project Journey


  1. Mobile Health Tech
  2. ACSM Fitness Trends

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