Exercise Swingin’ Strong – Five Benefits Strength Training Has on Your Golf Game

Swingin' Strong golf

Golf is a sport that requires a ton of precision and skill.

To improve your game, it’s essential to master your swing and technique. This may seem obvious. But, less obvious is the importance of strength training on your ability to play golf. That’s right, building strength has the power to improve your golf game.

Here are five benefits strength training has on your golf game:

1. Improved Power and Distance

Strength training allows you to build power, which translates to a greater drive distance off the tee. As you develop strength, you’ll be able to generate more force in your swing, leading to a more powerful shot that travels further.

2. Improved Flexibility

It requires a ton of flexibility to master your swing and technique, and strength training can help improve flexibility. By incorporating exercises that target the joints and muscles used in your swing, you’ll be able to move more freely and improve your overall range of motion.

3. Greater Control

As you develop strength in your pillar (shoulders, torso and hips), it becomes easier to control the direction of your shots. By targeting your shoulders, torso and hips, you’ll be able to maintain better balance and hit your shots with greater precision.

4. Decreased Risk of Injury

Golf swing repetitions can be hard on your muscles and joints, and strength training can help protect your body from the demand of the sport. By strengthening your muscles and increasing your flexibility, you’ll be less likely to suffer golf-related injuries.

5. Enhanced Endurance

A round of golf can be long, and maintaining your focus and energy can be a real challenge. However, strength training will help you build your endurance and stamina overtime. This will help you stay sharp and strong hole after hole.

So how can you incorporate strength training into your golf training routine? Focus on exercises that target your pillar, such as presses, planks, squats and deadlift. You can also work on pre-hab movements like shoulder & hip internal and external rotations. Remember to perform mobility exercises before you play and train to maintain flexibility and reduce risk of injury.

Overall, strength training can play a significant role in improving your golf game, helping you hit further, produce more accurate shots, and stay in shape. By incorporating a regular strength training plan into your golf training routine, you can improve your performance and shave strokes off your scorecard.

Are you ready to take your golf game to the next level?

Look no further than Swingin’ Strong – the 12-week strength training plan designed specifically for golfers! With a focus on total body strength, this program is tailored to improve your swing and overall performance on the course. Designed by certified personal trainers, each workout is carefully crafted to help you increase power, drive, and accuracy. Combined with your regular golf practice, Swingin’ Strong will transform your game like never before. Don’t just play golf, dominate it! Sign up for Swingin’ Strong today and start swinging like a pro.

Mesa Personal Training

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