Exercise How to Get Motivated to Work Out?

In the busy world that we live in now, sometimes is hard to do what we have to do, what is necessary for our well-being, such as to work out regularly.

In the evolving world, where technology is becoming more present in our homes, and in our lives, people are more stressed than ever.

But, people have found a way of avoiding those necessary things to do for them to stay healthy and happy; so, how to get motivated to work out?

I ask the question: What is more important than your health?

I can’t understand how you don’t have time to train your body to be in shape, but you have all the time in the world for scrolling.

Everywhere you are looking, you see people on their phones like zombies, as they are hypnotized by their devices.

When is the Time to Start?

When it comes to changing the bad habits that we have, we find a lot of good excuses.

We are very good at this.

Some of the best are:

  • I don’t have the time for this
  • I am too tired
  • I don’t have the energy
  • I don’t want to do it

Still, they have time to stay and watch Netflix, scroll on social media, go to the club, and drink, and the list is unlimited.

The best thing to do is look in the mirror, and if you don’t like what you see, it’s time to change your lifestyle.

I made those changes, on the hard way.

When life broke me, I found myself so low, that my mind and my body screamed at me.

Then I realized that this old version of me must die.

In that painful moment, I had two choices: to stay the same or to improve myself.


How to Change Your Habits

Change is inevitable, even if we want it or not.

The first step to do is to set some achievable goals.

You can start with small steps, because you’ll feel better on the way, and also you’ll feel that you accomplished something.

You don’t have to necessarily go to the gym, you can start some bodyweight training at home.

It is easier, because it is in the comfort of your home, and does not require much time.

You can start by doing 15 minutes a day, and then increase the length of time.

Change Your Diet

Another important habit is your diet. What you eat is extremely important.

People think that is very hard to eat healthy but is quite easy to do.

For start, just exclude some of them. Reduce the sugar, oil fried food and drink more water.

Even if you make small changes, in time you will notice the difference.

Your body will thank you later for this. The most important thing is that you have to overcome your mind.

Your mind wants to keep you safe. And if in the last period of your life you ate bad food, a voice in your head will whisper to you: take a bite, you’ll start from Monday!

It sounds familiar? Look inside your mind, and see what makes you do all that bad stuff for your health and well-being.

Start Walking Daily

I don’t think you realize how important is for us to move.

Our bodies are not made to stay at the office or in one place for so long periods.

It is not healthy.

Oh, I know, there’s going to come one more excuse. I don’t have time.

Alright, can you take the stairs and not the elevator?

Can you park your car a little bit further from your office?

Oh, and on the weekend when you don’t have to go to work, you still don’t have an hour.

I understand that you have things to do, but you can get out of bed earlier and just do it.

Leave your excuses. Yes, you can! The question is: Do you want to work out?


How to Get Motivated to Workout?

The easiest form of training is at home.

You can do it, as much as you like, as often as you like.

You need your body and some motivation.

Start with some push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges first. Also, you can use pieces of furniture from your home, like chairs to engage more.

For me, motivation is in on short term. Maybe something great happened and I used the momentum.

Or, on the other side, something bad happened and I want to release that steam, that pain.

The pain works better for me, it keeps me motivated. But as I was saying is short term.

My advice is: if you want to stay motivated all the time, no matter how you feel, what is your mood if you’re tired or maybe you don’t want to work out?


Discipline is when you don’t have time but you make time for training.

Discipline is when you aren’t in the mood, but you do it anyway.

It is when it’s bad weather outside and you go smiling to the gym.

It is when you feel tired, but you do it anyway.

It is discipline when your friends invite you to a bar, but you have to go to the gym and do your work out.


To start this journey, the first thing to do is to set your goals.

After that, you have to make small steps to get in shape.

Then, you have to become committed to it, and start to challenge yourself more and more each day.

On your way, you’ll find resources to succeed and become better.

Last but not least, your diet and your sleep are extremely important.

FitPreneur Fusion

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