Wellness Fitness In a Crazy Busy World

Are we too busy for fitness?

With everything going on in our lives today, it’s hard not to get caught up in the frenzy that is life and forget about the important stuff.

We are completely distracted by our mobile phones, text messages and social media that we even forget to look both ways when crossing the road!

Once we have included meal preparation, work, study, family and friends into our already busy schedules, it can be hard to find time for ourselves, and that unfortunately includes our fitness.

Here are a few tips to help you get on top of your fitness game.

  1. Set your fitness goals, then break them down – make them achievable, realistic and time specific. For example, you might set a goal of losing 10 kg by your wedding (assuming your wedding date is no closer than 10 weeks), start by breaking the 10 kg down into 1 kg weekly very achievable goals. Time available to you will influence your weekly goals, but 1 kg per week is a healthy way to achieve your goal. Regularly reviewing your progress will help you stay focused.
  2. Write your fitness sessions into your weekly schedule – if you don’t, chances are you won’t make time to do it either. Just as you have set times for work, play and family time, you need to allow time for your fitness.
  3. Don’t like going it alone? Find a workout buddy and commit to a few training sessions a week. Don’t let them down!
  4. Hire a personal trainer. They might be just what you need to keep up your motivation. Most trainers can help you with diet and lifestyle adjustments, plus they are an invaluable tool if you are just starting out as they can guide you with information on correct form and equipment use. Even if you have been attending a gym for a while, a good personal trainer will always be able to show you something new.


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