Nutrition 3 Types of Hunger & Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty About Eating When You Aren’t Hungry

Hey there, fellow foodies and mindful eaters! Today, I want to dive into the fascinating topic of hunger—the different types of hunger, to be exact.

As an intuitive eating counselor and anti-diet Dietitian, I’m all about promoting body positivity, weight neutrality, and most importantly, making peace with food. So, let’s get cozy and explore the three types of hunger: physical or primal hunger, mental hunger, and planned hunger.

First up, we have physical hunger.

You know the drill—growling stomach, low energy, and that overall “hangry” feeling. When your body is screaming for fuel, it’s time to chow down. So, don’t hold back, my friend—feed that hungry belly and give your body the energy it needs to keep kicking butt. It’s a biological response, reminding us to provide our bodies with the energy they need to function optimally.

Next, we have mental hunger.

Now, this type of hunger is a little trickier to decipher. It’s not about the physical sensations in our bodies but rather the thoughts and cravings that pop into our minds. Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, typing away, and suddenly you find yourself daydreaming about a gooey slice of pizza or a decadent chocolate cake. That’s mental hunger, my friend. It’s often triggered by external cues like the smell of freshly baked cookies or seeing a delicious food advertisement. Our minds start to crave certain foods, even if our bodies aren’t necessarily hungry. It’s totally cool to listen to those cravings and indulge in food for pleasure. Just ask yourself if it’ll bring you joy or if it aligns with your intentions. If it does, go for it and savor every delicious bite!

Now, let’s talk about planned hunger.

Life doesn’t always go as planned, right? Sometimes you can’t eat exactly when your tummy starts rumbling. Maybe you have a never-ending meeting or a killer exam coming up. That’s where planned hunger steps in. It’s all about being practical and thinking ahead. Pack some snacks or a small meal to keep those hunger pangs at bay. By doing this, you won’t find yourself in a hangry frenzy later on. Preparation is key!

Here’s the deal—we’re not aiming for perfection here. Intuitive eating isn’t about sticking to rigid rules. It’s about finding balance, being flexible, and honoring what your body needs. So, go ahead and listen to your hunger cues, embrace the joy of food, and plan ahead when life throws curveballs.

Remember, you’re on a journey—a delicious and freeing journey of intuitive eating and making peace with food. So, trust your instincts, follow your cravings and enjoy the process. Your body and taste buds will thank you!

Keep rocking that intuitive eating lifestyle, and remember to take it easy and savor the flavors of life!

Hackett Health

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