Rebecca Whelan

Schenectady, United States

Rebecca Whelan

Schenectady, United States

Main Products

  • 14 Day Beginners Training Program

    In this 14 Day Beginners Training Program you will begin to build a training routine. You will receive a sample of the programs that I offer to my clients. This program can be completed in a gym or in your own home. It begins with a 7 day "warm-up" where you prepare for two weeks of scheduled exercises. During this 14 day period you have access to my training app and many of the same features I offer to my clients.

    $20.00 USD
    one time
  • A la Carte Coaching

    In my A la carte Coaching option you can choose between Strength & Resistance Training, Cardiorespiratory Fitness Coaching or Corrective Exercise/ Flexibility & Mobility Training. I will provide you with fitness assessments to determine your unique needs and then design a personalized program for you to work on. You will have unlimited messaging and support available. You will also have access to on-demand workouts, be invited to join monthly challenges and be able to be part of my online community of clients.

    $40.00 USD
    per month
  • Fitness Coaching

    Are you looking to take your fitness to a new level? In this training package you will get a Strength & Resistance program and a Cardiorespiratory Fitness Coaching Program. Plus you will receive monthly Cardio and Strength Assessments and one 30 minute video/phone support session per month. You will also have access to unlimited messaging and support, an on-demand workout library and monthly challenges and online fitness community.

    $75.00 USD
    per month
  • Health and Wellness Coaching

    This coaching package is for those looking to live their best life. You will get a Strength & Resistance program, a Cardiorespiratory Fitness Coaching Program and a Corrective Exercise / Flexibility / Mobility program. I will help you with planning some amazing goals, help you create some lifechanging habits and assist you with recovery techniques and stress management. Plus you will receive monthly Cardio, Strength and Flexibility Assessments and one 30 minute video/phone support session per month. You will also have access to unlimited messaging and support, an on-demand workout library and monthly challenges and online fitness community.

    $150.00 USD
    per month
  • Nutrition Coaching

    Take control of your diet without giving up all of the foods you currently love. Nutrition coaching begins with a nutrition assessment and lifestyle review so that I can create a personalized nutrition plan that will work for your busy schedule and food preferences. You will get one video/phone session per month where we will go over your micro and macro nutrient review and discuss any changes that may be needed in your weekly menus. Along with a personalized menu, you will also receive weekly nutrition tips and new recipes to try.

    $100.00 USD
    per month
  • Premium Health, Wellness and Nutrition Coaching

    Get ready for an Amazing transformation! This plan has it all. It includes everything in the Health and Wellness Coaching plan (Strength & Resistance training, Cardiorespiratory Fitness coaching, Corrective Exercise, Flexibility & Mobility training, Healthy Habits, Recovery and Stress Management) Plus it includes everything included in Nutrition coaching. And you will receive weekly 30 minute video support sessions so I can personally help you live your best life.

    $250.00 USD
    per month


  • 30 Day Pull-Up Program

    In this 4 week program you will build your strength to complete unassisted pull-ups. I designed each week's workout to build upon the strength you built from the previous week. The workouts consist of upper body exercises designed to strengthen the muscles needed to perform an unassisted pull-up. You will need a pull-up bar with a way to add assistance to begin. You will also need resistance bands, dumbbells, a barbell and cable machine for this program.

    $50.00 USD
    one time
  • Intro to Yoga- 4 Weeks to develop a yoga practice

    In this 4 week program you will learn 24 basic yoga poses and how to put them together to feel comfortable and confident in a yoga class. Each day ( Monday - Saturday) I will give you one new pose to learn. I will share the benefits of this pose, describe how to complete the pose successfully and provide you with a short video to follow. You will also have the opportunity to review and practice all of the other poses learned that week to become more familiar with them. On Sundays, we will combine the weeks poses into a simple yoga flow. On the last day of the program you will receive a complete 40+ minute class combining everything you have learned in the program. The program will be completed in 4 weeks, however I will provide you with another month to go back and review the videos as often as you like.

    $50.00 USD
    one time

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