Coach Kier

Las Vegas, United States

Coach Kier

Las Vegas, United States

Main Products

  • Monthly GYM Training Program

    Designed for the gym-goer who wants to utilize all-the-things that align with her short stature. What's included: ⭐ A new training program (~5 workouts) every month ⭐ Short exercise video demonstrations ⭐ Organized progress tracking ⭐ Meal & Macro Tracker ⭐ Access to The Funsized Recipe Library ⭐ Message Coach Kier anytime ⭐ "Gym Gals" Group Chat

    $24.97 USD
    per month
  • Monthly HOME Training Program

    Designed for a home-body who has a decent collection of muscle-building gadgets & gizmos. What's included: ⭐ A new training program (~5 workouts) every month ⭐ Short exercise video demonstrations ⭐ Organized progress tracking ⭐ Meal & Macro Tracker ⭐ Access to The Funsized Recipe Library ⭐ Message Coach Kier anytime ⭐ "Home Hotties" Group Chat

    $24.97 USD
    per month


  • Extra Macro Accountability

    Because not everyone needs a 1:1 program to be consistent AF and see some damn results!💪🏼 Maybe you just need the accountability and, of course, the petite-calculated macronutrient targets and DIY resources that the Funsized nutrition coach can provide. 😉 If that sounds like you, let’s take a little magic carpet ride to check out what exactly is waiting for you inside the Monthly Mini Macros add-on coaching, shall we? The Custom Monthly Mini Macros Program includes: ⭐Personalized adjustments to your macronutrient in the direction of your goal at the start of each month. ⭐The comprehensive "Pocket-Sized Macros Guide" with detailed information on meal planning/prepping resources, weighing/measuring food, alcohol tracking, & SO much more! ⭐Shortly after purchasing this service, you’ll be messaged with a questionnaire to complete. After completion, please allow up to 3 business days for Kier to calculate your macros. In the meantime, use the guide^ to adjust settings in your MFP as directed. ⭐Receive feedback & suggestions on your meals. This could be anything from “consider swaping that “A” for a lower-sugar alternative like “B” or “let’s try a little harder to distribute protein evenly throughout the day. One way to do that is XYZ”. ⭐Access to the "Mini Macros" support chat to connect with other little ladies in this program & get even more support throughout the month. *This is an on-going monthly subscription. You may pause anytime. *This is NOT a meal plan. *You must use the in-app meal tracker. *Initial consult or as-needed coaching video calls with Kier for extra support are not included but can be added on for $50 per session (up to 60 minutes) *It is best if you have *some* experience with macros or calorie counting. If you're a total newbie or find that you need even more support, you might want to consider 1:1 coaching. []

    $50.00 USD
    per month

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