Jeffrey Gallardo

United States

Jeffrey Gallardo

United States

Main Products

  • The Best Free Workout Plan

    Step into the realm of transformation, where ancient wisdom meets modern science, and where the journey to mastery begins. Welcome to the first four weeks of our 12-week training program, a sanctuary where we sculpt bodies, fortify minds, and ignite spirits. Our program is not just a routine; it's a testament to millennia of human evolution. Drawing from the sacred archives of ancient warriors and the sagas of hunter tribes, we've woven together a tapestry of knowledge that spans generations. But we didn't stop there. We melded this ancient wisdom with the crucible of contemporary experience, forging a training regimen that stands as a pinnacle in human history. What sets us apart is our fusion of the past and the future. We've achieved the unthinkable: a program that delivers functional strength, sculpted physiques, boundless endurance, true athleticism, supple mobility, unyielding resilience, and a mindset as unshakeable as the bedrock of time itself—all concurrently. But don't take our word for it; our roster of athletes speaks volumes. From UFC titans to world-class grapplers, from the finest of the NYPD to the bravest of the NYCFD, and from countless everyday heroes—each bears witness to the transformative power of the Blackbelt Mindset. Embrace the challenge, for within its crucible lies the key to unlocking the beast within you. This is not just a training program; it's a manifesto for greatness. Welcome to the Blackbelt Mindset. Frequency 4 session/Week Equipment Required Kattle Bell or DB/ and a band and some gym equipment Duration 4 Weeks

    On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for Group Health Coaching Call (expire after 4 weeks)


Session Packs

  • 1 On 1 Private Session

    / 60 min / one time

    4 - 8 Week Fitness Foundations: Master Proper Form and Boost Mobility Kickstart your fitness journey with our 4-8 Week Intro to Fitness Program, designed to lay a solid foundation for your health and wellness goals. This program focuses on teaching proper lifting techniques to prevent injuries and increasing your mobility to prepare for more intensive training. Key features include: - **Proper Lifting Form:** Learn the correct techniques to ensure safe and effective workouts, minimizing the risk of injury. - **Spinal and Shoulder Mobility:** Enhance your flexibility and range of motion with targeted exercises for the spine and shoulders. - **Nervous System Adaptation:** Introduce your body and nervous system to fitness, setting the stage for future training success. - **Comprehensive Guidance:** Benefit from expert instruction and support throughout the program. Whether you're new to fitness or looking to refine your skills, this 4-8 week training program is the perfect way to build a strong, injury-free foundation. Start your journey with confidence and set yourself up for long-term success.

    4 Sessions

    Expire after 2 months
    $1,200.00 USD
    $300.00 / session

    8 Sessions

    Expire after 3 months
    $2,375.00 USD
    $296.87 / session
  • 1-on-1 Partner Training Sessions

    / 60 min / one time

    1-on-1 Partner Training Sessions Train side by side with Jeff in personalized 1-on-1 sessions designed to push your limits and achieve goals you never thought possible. Learn and work out together with a no-nonsense approach that keeps you focused on the task at hand. Break through your limitations and go beyond what you thought was possible.

    1 Session

    Expire after 4 weeks
    $500.00 USD
    $500.00 / session

    8 Sessions

    Expire after 8 months
    $3,920.00 USD
    $490.00 / session
  • Transformative Health Journey

    / 60 min / one time

    Customized Training and Nutrition Program ( 12 Weeks - 24 Weeks - 52 Weeks ) Start on a transformative health journey with a personalized Training and Nutrition Program, designed to turn your health around through consistent, small daily improvements. Over 12 week to 52 weeks, I will work closely with you, providing expert guidance and support to ensure your success. This program is tailored specifically to your unique needs and goals, offering: - **Customized Training Plan:** Develop strength, endurance, and flexibility with a workout regimen designed just for you. - **Personalized Nutrition Guidance:** Enjoy a balanced diet plan that fits your lifestyle, promoting sustainable, healthy eating habits. - **Continuous Support:** Regular check-ins and adjustments to keep you on track and motivated. - **Achievable Goals:** Set and conquer small, manageable goals that lead to significant, lasting changes. Together, we'll celebrate every milestone on your path to optimal health. Transform your life with our dedicated and comprehensive approach, ensuring you achieve every goal we set.

    24 Sessions

    Expire after 12 weeks
    $7,000.00 USD
    $291.66 / session

    48 Sessions

    Expire after 24 weeks
    $12,000.00 USD
    $250.00 / session

    104 Sessions

    Expire after 52 weeks
    $25,000.00 USD
    $240.38 / session

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