These services include: Design and revision of progressive training programs every 4-6 weeks, it depends on the phase and objective that we are working on at the moment. Review of weekly routines for progressive and effective training according to your lifestyle and season of life. Initial and final assessment in each phase, related to the goal we are focusing on. On this one we can meet in person and I can help you with it while I am in the area. This may include Body stats and photos. 24/7 access to the training application and all its tools for your support. Recipes recommendations in the app and ebook to support your goal. Recommendations and nutritional education as needed. Virtual support and coaching as requested. Messaging with your coach as you need questions, clarification, and coaching.
Programa mensual de coaching individualizado para alcanzar tus metas. Incluye: - Diseño de entrenamiento progresivo mensual. - Education basics nutricional para ayudarte a nutrir tu cuerpo eficazmente. - Especificaciones nutricionales personalizada. - Mensajería directa con entrenadora. - Llamada mensual de seguimiento. - 20% de descuento a el programa de Meal coaching, clases en vivo y otros servicios ofrecidos con el cupón: voypormas.
Diseño y Coaching de programa de entrenamientos personalizados por 6 meses. Programa holístico de entrenamientos para Nerissa Rodriguez enfocado en fe, nutrición, ejercicio y manejo del tiempo para lograr una recomposición corporal saludable. Pagos mensuales de $180.00 para un monto total de $1,080.00.
Incluye: - Diseño de entrenamiento progresivo mensual. - Educación básica nutricional para ayudarte a nutrir tu cuerpo eficazmente. - Especificaciones nutricionales personalizadas. - Mensajería directa con la entrenadora. - Llamada mensual de seguimiento. - Recomendaciones de recetas semanales en tu área de nutrición - 20% de descuentos en clases virtuales y sesiones adicionales
A common behavior as the new year gets closer is to start thinking about those goals or resolutions that you would like to achieve. “The Statistics Brain 2017 survey of 1,129 American adults¹ found that only 9.2% of resolvers successfully achieved their resolution last year and that 42.4% never succeed and fail on resolution every […]
Have you heard the advice: “Do more steady and long cardiovascular exercise for burning more fat”? Yes? Well, that statement is not wrong completely. But it is more to add to that equation than simple long and steady and low-intensity workouts. Let’s start by understanding how our body utilizes energy. Food has calories and calories […]
Without a doubt, we are facing difficult times! No matter if you are used to be all the time going or you are a sedentary person, just the fact that we have been told to stay home put us in an “arrest-mode” (like when somebody tells you can’t have your favorite dessert for a while) […]
Do we need to snack? Are the snacks needed for weight loss or to improve your health? What can I have for snack? Yay: A snack is a smart and efficient way to reduce your hunger and control your portion throughout the day. When we space our mealtime to far, we can overeat. A snack […]
When you start an exercise program you need to review what kind of eating habits you have. Are those habits helping me to thrive in my daily activities and my workout schedule? Does my food intake have the nutrients my body needs to perform? It is important that as part of your healthy fitness goals, […]
Did you know our brain consumes 20 to 30% of your energy and 20% of the oxygen and blood flow of your body? A healthier brain allows you to stay focused and committed to achieving your goals. In order to get a balanced mind-body state, it is needed to start working on your thoughts, the […]