Keagan Barrett

Phoenix, United States

Keagan Barrett

Phoenix, United States

Main Products

  • * Multiple Template Programs Access (Monthly Subscription)

    Do you have more than one injury or body part you want to work on? Are you having trouble deciding which of our programs to try first? Then this option is the best fit for you because it’s the “choose your own adventure” package! With this option, you are able to run 2 MAIN programs + 1 ADD-ON program at the same time. This lets YOU craft the best plan for YOU and is perfect if you have multiple nagging issues and also want to improve your flexibility, strength, and/or get some sport-specific training. You can: - Start and stop each program as often as you want - although we recommend completing an entire phase (4 weeks) of a program before switching (more time with the programmed exercises allows for better adaptation). - Run 2-3 programs simultaneously. With this option you are able to run 2 MAIN programs + 1 ADD-ON program at the same time. ADD ON programs include the mobility fix, the prehab fix, the core fix and the pelvic floor fix. All others are considered Main programs. We did the math and if you were to try all of our programs you'd be busy for over 6 years!! Sign up today to build a stronger, more mobile, and more resilient version of yourself - from head to toe! IMPORTANT: Once you’ve made the purchase and downloaded the app, YOU MUST send a message to Amanda in the app (or you can email her: [email protected]) and she will help set up whatever you need! Please be patient if you purchase after business hours or on the weekend - we have to manually add the programs you want. We promise it’s worth the wait! **This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews. We require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible if an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per month
  • *** SLS 1.0: 60-75 mins/day x 4 days/week for 16 weeks

    The original Strong Like Stacie (SLS) is the hardest of the 3 SLS programs in terms of the volume per muscle group. It includes 4 body-part-specific days/week of PowerBuilding type exercises, which incorporates elements of Powerlifting, Bodybuilding, and Rehab (mobility, strength, and stability) exercises all into one neat undulating program to help you maximize your strength and prevent injuries. 💥 Please note that each of the 3 SLS programs is a little different and there is no "right" or "wrong" order to complete them. Based on feedback, if you want to do them from easiest to hardest the order is SLS 3, then 2, and finally, the original, SLS. At the end of the day, a good program is a good program, so the order completion doesn't really matter. Pick your favorite type of workout split to get started or go with SSLS which includes all 3 (and saves you $120!) 💥 This is a 16-week long program with 4 separate blocks of training, each with its own focus. It's an undulating program, meaning that the volume (reps & sets) will be constantly changing throughout the course of each 4-week block. Each workout will take about 60-75 minutes to complete from start to finish. Week 8 of the program is a built-in deload week. Each session begins with a couple of mobility exercises to get your joints loose and help you warm up. The first circuit includes some additional exercises which some might call "pre-fatigue" exercises to get you ready for the main lift of the day and provide for super-compensation. Day 1 is Squat Day Day 2 is Bench Day Day 3 is Deadlift Day Day 4 is Shoulder Press Day After the main lift, there are some additional exercises to supplement the workout as well as some "rehab" type of exercises to support the strength you’re building and keep you healthy and resilient too! This program is made for those who have access to a gym OR for those who have some home gym basics. It is also for all levels - from beginners who have never used a barbell to the most advanced lifter. Equipment needed: - barbell, weight plates, squat rack, and flat bench - dumbbells or kettlebells - stability (physio) ball -powerband or long theraband and miniband (looped band) - sliders (a towel on tile floors or paper plates on a carpet work too) - step (or books or weight plates to elevate heels) Who's ready to get Strong Like Stacie??? *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every 4 weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • *** SLS 2.0: 60 mins/day x 4 days/week for 16 weeks

    If you liked SLS, you will LOVE SLS 2.0 - the intermediate program. This version of the Strong Like Stacie has all the goodies from the first original - mobility, strength, stability, unilateral, and rehab/prehab components you know and love. The biggest change is how we’re doubling down on the muscle groups worked by adding both a push and pull element to every session. 💥 Please note that each of the 3 SLS programs is a little different and there is no "right" or "wrong" order to complete them. Based on feedback, if you want to do them from easiest to hardest the order is SLS 3, then 2, and finally, the original, SLS. At the end of the day, a good program is a good program, so order does not really matter. Pick your favorite type of workout split to get started or go with SSLS which includes all 3 and saves you $120! 💥 Like SLS, this is a 16-week long program with 4 workouts per week. This program also undulates, meaning that the volume of work (reps & sets) will be constantly changing throughout the course of each 4-week block. This design allows for maximum recovery so you’re always ready to tackle the next one! Each workout will take about 60-75 minutes to complete from start to finish. Week 8 is, again, the built-in deload week. Every session begins with a couple of mobility exercises to get your joints loose and help you warm up. The first circuit includes some additional exercises which some might call "pre-fatigue" exercises to prime you for the main lift and encourage super-compensation. Day 1 is Lower Body Day Day 2 is Upper Body Day Day 3 is Lower Body Day Day 4 is Upper Body Day After the main lift, there are additional exercises to supplement the workout as well as some "rehab" type of exercises to support the strength you’re building and keep your body healthy and resilient too! This program is made for those who have access to a gym OR for those who have some home gym basics. It is also for all levels - from beginners who have never used a barbell to the most advanced lifter. Equipment needed: - barbell, weight plates, squat rack, and flat bench - dumbbells or kettlebells - stability (physio) ball - powerband or long therabands and minibands (looped bands) - sliders (a towel on tile floors or paper plates on carpet work too) - step (or books or weight plates to elevate heels) - leg extension and hamstring curl machine recommended but not required (modifications included if you don't have these) Hope you’re ready to level up with me! Let’s do this!!! *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every 4 weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • *** SLS 3.0: 60 min/day x 4 days/week for 16 weeks

    Strong Like Stacie (SLS) 3.0 is a full-body lifting program that utilizes the push/pull method of training which means this is a perfect program to build foundational strength and work capacity! It neatly incorporates the elements of mobility work, weight training, and (p)rehab exercises in one program to help you maximize your joint mobility and strength, and prevent injuries. The exercise selection and full-body programming make SLS 3.0 the “easiest” of the 3 SLS programs. But don’t be fooled - this program can be made plenty challenging depending on the weights you choose! This makes it an excellent program for beginners as well as advanced lifters like me! 💥 Please note that each of the 3 SLS programs is a little different and there is no "right" or "wrong" order to complete them. Based on feedback, if you want to do them from easiest to hardest the order is SLS 3, then 2, and finally, the original, SLS. At the end of the day, a good program is a good program, so order does not really matter. Pick your favorite type of workout split to get started or go with SSLS which includes all 3 and saves you $120! 💥 This is an undulating program, meaning that the volume of work (reps and sets) will constantly change during each of the 4 phases, but the exercises programmed on each training day of each phase will remain the same. This design builds confidence, strength adaptation, tissue tolerance, and work capacity! There are 16 weeks in this program which are broken into 4 separate training phases each of which is 4 weeks in duration. There are 4 training days per week and each workout will take about an hour to complete. Each session begins with warm-up mobility exercises to work on your joint health. The first exercise circuit includes some (p)rehab, core, and pre-activation exercises to get you prepped for the 2 main supersets to follow. Here’s what each of the 4 training days looks like: Day 1 is Upper Pull and Lower Push Day 2 is Upper Push and Lower Pull Day 3 is Lower Push and Upper Pull Day 4 is Lower Pull and Upper Push The main supersets are made up of the following exercises: UPPER PUSH = shoulder and bench press variations and other exercises using the anterior chain muscles of the upper body UPPER PULL = rowing and pull-up variations and other exercises using the posterior chain muscles of the upper body LOWER PUSH = squat variations, calf raises, and other exercises using the anterior chain muscles of the lower body LOWER PULL = deadlift variations, hamstring curls, and other exercises using the posterior chain muscles of the lower body This program requires the following equipment: - barbell, weight plates, squat rack, and flat bench - dumbbells or kettlebells - stability (physio) ball - powerbands (or long therabands) and minibands - sliders (you can use a towel on tile floors or paper plates on carpet) - steps (books, plates, etc.) *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every four weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • **** Super Strong Like Stacie (SSLS): 60-75 mins/day x 4 days/week for 48 weeks

    Super Strong Like Stacie (SSLS) combines all three of the Strong Like Stacie (SLS) programs into what is basically a single year-long training plan for all the gains (and $120 savings over purchasing each program individually)!! It’s 100% comprehensive, incorporating mobility work, strength training, and (p)rehab exercises. I always test these programs on myself first… and I can’t think of a better way to help you maximize your joint mobility and strength, and prevent injuries!! You begin with the 16-week SLS 3.0 program which is a full-body push/pull style training plan to build a solid base of strength and muscle endurance. The 16-week SLS 2.0 program comes next. It’s an upper body/lower body split program focused on increasing maximal strength. The final phase is the original SLS program (also 16 weeks long) which is a body-part-specific program focused on increasing strength and power. This is an undulating program, meaning that the volume of work (reps and sets) will constantly change during each of the 4 phases, but the exercises programmed on each training day of each phase will remain the same. This design builds confidence, strength adaptation, tissue tolerance, and work capacity! Deloads are scheduled every 8 weeks to allow for adequate recovery. There is also an optional max-out day at the very end if you want to test your bench press, shoulder press, deadlift, and back squat to see how strong you’ve gotten. If you follow the plan I know you’ll see improvement! There are 4 training days programmed each week and each session should take an hour or so to complete. Each session begins with warm-up mobility exercises to work on your joint health. Then the first exercise circuit includes some (p)rehab, core, and pre-activation exercises to get you prepped for the 2 main supersets to follow. Here’s the design progression of each training day supersets as you move through each 16-week phase: SLS 3 ➡️ SLS 2 ➡️ SLS Day 1: Upper Pull / Lower Push ➡️ Lower Body Day ➡️ Squat Day Day 2: Upper Push / Lower Pull ➡️ Upper Body Day ➡️ Bench Day Day 3: Lower Push / Upper Pull ➡️ Lower Body Day ➡️ Deadlift Day Day 4: Lower Pull / Upper Push ➡️ Upper Body Day ➡️ Shoulder Press Day This program requires the following equipment: - barbell, weight plates, squat rack, and flat bench - dumbbells or kettlebells - stability (physio) ball - powerbands (or long therabands) and minibands - sliders (you can use a towel on tile floors or paper plates on carpet) - steps (or books, plates, etc.) *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every 4 weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _0_The Achilles Fix: 30-40 mins/day, 3 days a week, 16 weeks

    If anyone knows what it takes to recover from an Achilles injury, it's me! After rupturing my Achilles, re-rupturing it several months later, and then getting Achilles tendinopathy on my other side during my healing process, I have learned all the tricks to load this incredible tendon and get it to adapt to improve the tissue strength and capacity!! The Achilles Fix is 16 weeks long with workouts programmed for 3 days each week. It should take about 30-40 minutes to complete each workout. The combination of your hard work and my tips over 4 months will result in increased load adaptation and capacity of the tendon. You'll get stronger and feel more confident by the end! This program is appropriate if you're at least 16 weeks post-Achilles rupture. The initial phase includes A LOT of strengthening and stability exercises. Then it progresses to movements with heavier loads. Finally, it incorporates plyometrics to put the spring back in your step! But this program isn't just for Achilles ruptures and tears! It is also designed for Achilles tendinopathy, Haglund's deformity, post-tib tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, calf strains, ankle sprains...and more! And if you've had any Achilles problems in the past, it is perfect as an injury prevention/reduction program! Equipment needed: Dumbbells/Kettlebells Squat Rack/Barbell Pull-Up Bar Flat Bench/Step/Plyo Boxes Knee Extension Machine Leg Press Machine Minibands/Circular Bands Long Resistance/Powerbands *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _1_The Neck Fix: 30 min/day, 3 days/wk, 8 weeks

    Are you struggling with neck pain? Do you experience frequent headaches, migraines, or jaw pain? Did you sleep wrong and wake up with a major kink that won’t let go? Is your work from home set-up less than optimal for hours of Zoom meetings? No matter the source of your neck stiffness or weakness, this program can provide you with relief and help to improve your posture. This 8-week program is designed with 3 workouts each week. Each workout will take about 30 minutes to complete. The exercises change after 4 weeks to regularly progress your neck strength and mobility over time. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Theraband (the kind you get at a Physio or on Amazon) Miniband (small looped band) Dumbbell or Kettlebell Towel *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _2_ The Mobility Fix: 10 mins/day, 4 days/week, 52 weeks long

    Who wants to get more mobile in LESS than 10 minutes per day? This program is designed to help increase full-body mobility. Whether you sit at a desk all day for work, are a competitive athlete, or anything in between, your body will thank you for doing these movements regularly! This program has been completely revamped and is now in a guided follow-along format. I do the program with you and cue you through each move so you know exactly what to do and what you should be feeling and focusing on! Every week there are 4 separate mobility days: Hip Mobility Shoulder Mobility Spine Mobility Full Body Mobility You will do each day twice in each month - Weeks 1 and 3 are the same and Weeks 2 and 4 are the same. This is because it will take more than one repetition through a mobility program to begin feeling the benefits and create adaptations and improvements in your joint mobility. It is recommended that you do each day at least once each week, but if you have more time, feel free to complete any of these mobility days as often as you want throughout the week and month! The program also includes a helpful calendar feature to keep you accountable. You set the days you want to do the mobility work and the program will send you reminders! EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Floor Space Wall Space *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. *This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _3_ The Core Fix: 10 min/day x 25 different workouts! No equipment needed!

    If you want to strengthen your core, develop your abs, and don't have a lot of time or equipment, then this NEW core program is for you! The focus here is on a "cardio core" burn for weight loss and aesthetics and for use as a supplement to your existing workout routine. It's a great addition as a quick finisher or a good way to get yourself moving in the morning! This program contains 25 separate workouts which only take about 10 minutes to complete each day. It targets the entire core (front, sides, and back). It also includes exercises to get your heart rate up which will help burn more calories so you can see those abs even quicker! There is no equipment needed. The exercises are all bodyweight movements! There are videos demonstrating every exercise, including ways to scale each exercise, so this program is appropriate for all fitness levels! This is a one-time payment program offered at a great price! You pay for ONE month and you get access to the program for THREE months from the date of purchase. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    one time
  • _4_The Shoulder Fix: 30-45 min/day, 3 days/wk, 12 weeks

    This program is focused on building strength, stability and mobility in your shoulders, thoracic spine, upper back and traps. If you have any of the following diagnoses, this program will help you: Rotator cuff injury, partial labral tear, bursitis, shoulder impingement, scapular dyskinesis (winging), Upper Cross Syndrome, multidirectional instability, dislocation, limited shoulder or thoracic mobility, shoulder and neck pain, postural issues, and even someone with a frozen / thawed shoulder. It is NOT recommended if you're less than 8 weeks post-op or are suffering from a complete Rotator cuff tear. There are 3 days of workouts programmed each week. The exercises will take about 30-45 mins to complete and each day starts with mobility exercises and then moves into strengthening and stability work. The exercises will change every 4 weeks throughout the duration of the program. Each new phase builds upon the mobility, strength & stability work from the previous month(s). EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Foam Roller Minibands Dumbbell (DB) or Kettlebell (KB) Weight Plate (or KB for Overhead Carry and Waiter Walks) Long Resistance Band or Power-band or Cable machine Incline Bench (*but you can also stand and bend forward if you don't have this*) This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. **Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _5_The Low Back Fix: 45-60 min/day, 3 days/wk, 12 weeks

    The focus of this program is to help those with low back pain (with or without radiculopathy/sciatica) and is also ideal for those without pain looking to strengthen and stabilize the core and hips and increase mobility in the spine and hips. If you have any of the following, this program will help you: lumbar radiculopathy, disc herniation or bulging, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, scoliosis, anterior pelvic tilt, postural issues, and uncharacterized or non-specific low back pain! It is NOT recommended if you're less than 8 weeks post-op or are suffering from a complete tear. There are 3 days of training provided for every week for a total of 12 weeks of programming. Within that, there are 3 training blocks, so the exercises change every 4 weeks for the duration of the program. It will take about 45-60 minutes to complete each workout. Each day the workout starts with mobility work and then moves into strengthening exercises. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Kettlebell (KB) or Dumbbell (DB) Mini-band Siders (or towels work on wood/tile floors) Bench or Chair Step or Book (to elevate foot) Power-band or Resistance Band This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _6_The Knee Fix: 30 min/day, 3 days/wk, 12 weeks

    Do you have knee pain? Do either of your knees feel unstable? Did you have knee surgery and don’t feel like you’ve fully recovered? Regardless of the issue, If you’re longing for stronger, pain-free knees this program is for you. This program may help you avoid surgery if you’ve been diagnosed with any partial tendon, meniscus, patella or quad tears and strains. It can be used for prehab before a knee surgery or for rehab after surgery, once you have regained full range of motion. The program can also help with both growing pains and degenerative diagnoses. This is a 12-week program designed using linear periodization which focuses on building foundational strength in the quads, hips, and hamstrings. There are 3 workouts per week, each of which only takes about 30-minutes to complete, so you can fit this program in with any other fitness regimen you have. The exercises change every 4 weeks, to keep things fresh and gradually increase the volume and intensity. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Barbell/Squat Rack Dumbbell or Kettlebell Bench or Steps Minibands (small looped bands) Powerband or Hip Circle (also known as a booty band) Floor Sliders (towels work on a tile floor and paper plates work on carpet!) Physio Ball (also known as a stability ball) Leg Extension Machine recommended but not required - an alternate version with bands is included *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _7_The Hip Fix: 30 min/day, 3 days/wk, 12 weeks

    Do you have hip pain...IT Band issues, trochanteric bursitis, been diagnosed with a labral tear or FAI? If you answered yes, you may need the hip fix! This program has the minimum effective dosage needed to make a change and allow for adaptations. That's why it was created for 3 days a week and only takes 30 minutes per workout! It's a 12-week 3-phase program. Exercises stay the same for the first 4 weeks, then change the next 4 weeks and continue to change and progress the last 4 weeks. Equipment Needed: DB's or KB's Sliders or towels to use on carpet Powerbands or therabands Step or workout bench Minibands or booty bands Stability Ball or Back Extension Machine if you have it *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _8_The Elbow Fix: 30-40 mins/day, 3x week, 12 weeks

    This program is for those who are experiencing elbow/wrist/hand pain. It can help treat conditions like golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, decreased elbow mobility/strength following a healed fracture, and more. You will build strength, stability, and mobility in the elbow, wrist, hand, shoulders, and upper back so you can complete functional activities with ease and get back to enjoying your sports and hobbies! This is a 3-day a week, 3-month long program. Each day will take you about 30-40 minutes to complete. We start each session with mobility and then move into the strengthening portion of the workout. The exercises will change every 4 weeks for 12 weeks total and build upon the mobility and strength work from the previous months. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: - Dumbbell - Kettlebell - Minibands - Long Resistance Band, Power Band, or Access to Cable Machine - Weight Plate (substitute a Dumbbell or Kettlebell if needed) - Incline Bench - Towel - PVC (or an item like a broom, golf club, stick, or hammer) - Stability Ball, Bench, Stable surface *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • _9_The Foot & Ankle Fix: 30 min/day, 3 days/wk, 12 weeks

    As small as they may be, our feet, toes, and ankles are arguably some of the most important structural parts of the body. Why? They are our foundation and connection to the earth as we move through space. You wouldn’t want to build a house on a weak foundation, so that’s why this program is designed to focus on strengthening all the foot intrinsics as well as the ankles. It also incorporates mobility work which will enhance your balance, support your arches, and improve your gait. This program works well for ongoing injury prevention and can also be used as a rehab program for many of the common foot and ankle injuries - like sprains, achilles tendinopathy, and plantar fasciitis. You will benefit from this program whether you’re regularly hitting the pavement or trails for distance, are on your feet all day at work, enjoy hiking, or are looking to increase your daily step count. The program is 12 weeks long with 3 workout days each week. The workouts will take about 30-minutes to complete. The exercises change every 4 weeks to keep things fresh and gradually increase your ability over time. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Miniband Powerband, Resistance Band, or Cables Dumbbell or Kettlebell Box, Bench or Step Towel *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 10_The Home Fix: 60 min/day, 3 days/week, 12 weeks

    This program is designed for those looking for an overall mobility and strength program who are NOT working out in a gym setting. There are still a few pieces of equipment required as noted below. It is appropriate for all fitness levels, as modifications are provided for many of the movements. There are 3 training blocks included, meaning that the exercises that make up the workouts will change every 4 weeks. Each workout begins with a mobility complex to improve your joint health and serve as an active warm-up for the workout of the day. This is followed by two main strength supersets and ends with optional core work. Everyday includes a full-body workout!!!!! Each training session will take about 60 minutes to complete. MINIMAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Stability Ball (aka Physio Ball) Pair of dumbbells Kettlebell (KB) or Dumbbells (DB) Lighter resistance mini-band Heavier resistance booty band/hip circle band This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 11_The Gym Fix: 60 min/day, 4 days/wk, 12 weeks

    This program is a solid mobility and strength program designed to be performed by any fitness level (modifications are included for many exercises) in a gym setting. There are 3 training blocks included, meaning that the exercises that make up the workouts will change every 4 weeks. Each workout begins with a mobility complex to improve your joint health and serve as an active warm-up for the rest of the movements programmed that day. This is followed by two main strength supersets and ends with optional core work. Days 1 & 3 are programmed as upper body pull and lower body push days. Days 2 & 4 are programmed as upper body push and lower body pull days. Each training session will take about 60-90 minutes to complete. There's no need to stress about skipping the core complex at the end. All the workouts have core work built into the main exercises. This segment is bonus work if you have the extra time and interest! GYM EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Barbell Lat Machine Dumbbells (DB) Kettlebells (KB) Incline Bench Medicine Ball Bands Weight Plates PVC Pipe Trap Bar Stability Ball (aka Physio Ball) Sliders Cable Machine Plyo Boxes This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 12_The No Equipment Fix: 45-60 mins/day, 4 days/wk, 12 weeks

    This program is designed for those looking for an overall mobility and strength program without requiring any workout equipment. It can be done anywhere, anytime! There are 3 training blocks included, meaning that the exercises that make up the workouts will change every 4 weeks. Each workout begins with a mobility complex to improve your joint health and serve as an active warm-up. This is followed by two main strength supersets and ends with an optional core work. Days 1 & 3 are primarily upper body pull and lower body push days. Days 2 & 4 are primarily upper body push and lower body pull days. Each training session will take about an hour or so to complete. There's no need to stress about skipping the core complex at the end. All the workouts have core work built into the main movements. This segment is bonus work if you have the extra time and interest! This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 13_The Pull-Up Fix: 30-40 mins/day, 3 days a week, 12 weeks

    Have you been dying to get your first pull-up?? You need to build your upper body strength - specifically strong biceps, forearms (grip), rhomboids, mid traps, rotator cuff, etc. You also need some solid scapular control and good overall body awareness. Sounds like a lot, right?? Well, this program is entirely devoted to just that! It includes all of my favorite exercises to get you strong and make pull-ups a realistic goal! There are 3 workout days programmed each week which will take you between 30-45 mins to complete! Equipment needed: Dumbbells/Kettlebells Pull-up bar Barbell + Squat Rack Cable machine or Resistance/Power bands Minibands/Circular Bands Flat Bench/Step/Plyo Boxes Stability/Physio/Yoga Ball *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 14_ The Prehab Fix: 30 min/day x 25 different workouts

    This program includes mobility, strength, and accessory exercises that focus on the areas of the body that are often neglected. It will improve your strength and help prevent injuries! There are 25 separate training days programmed with all different exercises. Each day includes 4 mobility and 5 strengthening/accessory exercises. The workouts should take about 30 minutes to complete, depending on how familiar you are with each exercise. For this program you will need the following items: Sliders (or you can use towels on tile and wood floors) Mini-band or hip circle Dumbbells (DB), Kettlebells (KB) or household objects like water bottles, furniture, etc. Longer resistance bands or Power-bands This is a one-time payment program. You pay once for access to 25 different workouts which are available for 3 months from the date of purchase. **Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    one time
  • 15_The Booty Fix: 45-60 min/day, 4 days/wk, 16 weeks long

    This program focuses on the glutes - an important part of the posterior chain! It will help improve the overall strength of your glutes and hamstrings, the stability of your hips, and the hypertrophy (growth) of your glutes. As a result, this program is helpful for anyone with any of the following diagnoses: Trochanteric Bursitis, IT Band Syndrome, Piriformis Syndrome, Lower Cross Syndrome, Hip Impingement, partial labral tears, FAI, anterior pelvic tilt, hip arthritis, hip pain and low back pain! It is NOT recommended if you're less than 8 weeks post-op or are suffering from a complete tear. There are 4 days of programming provided every week for a total of 16 weeks. Within that, there are 4 training blocks, so the exercises will change every 4 weeks for the duration of the program. The exercises will take about 45-60 minutes to complete each day. This is a GYM-BASED program, unless you have the equipment below at your disposal outside of that. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Mini-band Power-band Steps Sliders Stability Ball (aka Physio Ball) Bench Dumbbell (DB) or Kettlebell (KB) Barbell Weight Plates Reverse Hyper Machine (or substitute Bench and Stability Ball) Back Extension Machine (or substitute Stability Ball) This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. **Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 16_ The Postpartum Fix: 40-60 mins/day x 3-4 days / week for 16 weeks

    Did you just have a baby and want to get into a normal workout routine? I have designed this program to be a safe way to slowly rebuild your strength and regain your confidence as you meet all the other demands of motherhood! There are plenty of modifications and variations so you can give your body what it needs with the time and equipment that you have and get back to feeling like yourself again! These are the exact workouts I did after giving birth. Typically, the recommendation for starting exercise postpartum is between 4-6 weeks. Remember everyone’s birth experience is different (don’t compare yourself to anyone else!) and, as always, check with your healthcare provider to make sure you are ready to begin an exercise program. This program has a total of 4 phases that are each 4 weeks long. Each phase is a progression of the prior one and includes strength and mobility work like all the rest of my programs. I have also included 2 days of pelvic floor workouts for each phase which are optional but helped SO much early on. I also include general recommendations for integrating cardio work along the way as well. PHASE 1 is programmed for 3 strengthening workouts per week (with the additional, optional 2 days of pelvic floor workouts). It’s a lower intensity, full body program that has more emphasis on upper body strength than the lower body. The workouts will take about 30-45 minutes to complete. PHASE 2 advances to 4 workout days per week (with optional pelvic floor work). These full body workouts progress to 45-60 minutes per day. PHASE 3 remains at 4 workout days per week (with optional pelvic floor work) but transitions to an upper body/lower body programming split that gets progressively more challenging. PHASE 4 is the last phase and remains at 4 workout days per week (with optional pelvic floor work) but ramps up in intensity and is more body-part specific (e.g., quads, chest/back, glutes/hammies, and shoulders/arms). We’re moving to heavier weights with lower repos and also incorporating plyometric work. As with all my programs, some basic gym equipment is needed to progressively overload the movements and continue getting stronger. I recommend the following items: - barbell, weight plates, squat rack, an adjustable bench - dumbbells or kettlebells - stability (physio) ball - powerbands (or long therabands) and minibands - sliders (you can use a towel on tile floors or paper plates on carpet) - steps (books, plates, etc.) - small ball (or you can use a pillow) - foam roller *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every four weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible if an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 17_The Handstand Fix: 45 min/day, 3x per week, 8 weeks

    Want to learn how to do your first handstand? Or maybe you want to get better at handstands and be more comfortable upside down? This program will help you build the strength and master the techniques required to have more confidence in your position and be able to hold your handstands longer! This is an 8-week program designed using linear periodization which focuses not only on handstands but also on building foundational strength in the core, shoulders, and wrists while also increasing your mobility. There are 3 workouts programmed each week which only take about 45-minutes to complete - so you can fit this program in with any other fitness regimen you have! The mobility and strength exercises change every 4 weeks. The handstand-specific movements a programmed on alternate weeks to keep things fresh and allow you to gradually increase the volume and intensity. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: - Floor space - Wall space - Dumbbells or Kettlebells - Weight plate (substitute Dumbbells or Kettlebells if needed) - Bench, Chair or Couch - Miniband *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 18_The Runner Strength Fix: 30-45 min per day x 3 days/week for 12 weeks

    This is a 12 week program that focuses on mobility, strength, balance, multi-directional movements, and plyometric exercises to make you a more resilient runner/endurance athlete!! The first 4 weeks will focus on building a foundation of mobility, stability, and strength. The remaining 8 weeks will progress strengthening with an increased focus on single leg strength. There will be an introduction to plyometric exercises in weeks 5-8 and progressions in weeks 9-12 to help you become faster and stronger on your runs. This program is scheduled for 3 days per week and each workout is 30-45 minutes in length. This is a linear progression program so you can work to add weight or reps each week during each phase (week 1-4, week 5-8, week 9-12). Equipment Needed: - Dumbbells/Kettlebells - Minibands - Resistance Band (Power Band or Long Band that you can tie in a knot and use in door) - Bench or Chair - Step (aerobic step, box, stair/step at home) *This is a subscription program. You have the ability to self-cancel at anytime, but you can also email [email protected] to ask us to cancel the program for you. If you send us a message at least 48 hours before your next invoice, we will be able to refund the amount for you. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 19_The Gymnast Fix: 30 mins/day x 4 days a week x 12 week program

    This is a strength training program designed with gymnasts in mind, but can be used by anyone interested in getting stronger and more stable with a goal of preventing injuries in their entire body. It is a 12-week program with 3 phases. There are 4 workouts each week which should take about 30-minutes to complete. Each day begins with mobility work for the hips, spine, and shoulders, and also includes some extra work on the wrists and ankles. Next there is either an upper body power movement or a lower body power movement depending on the day. That movement is followed by 2 supporting strengthening exercises and then 2 core exercises. Many of these exercises hit multiple muscles giving you more bang for your buck! EQUIPMENT NEEDED: -dumbbells or kettlebells -stability (physio) ball -bench, chair or couch -miniband *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, however, you have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. **Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 20_The Pregnancy Fix: 30-60 mins/day, 4 days a week, 8 months long

    Hey Expecting Mama - this program is for YOU!! The goal of the Pregnancy Fix is to keep you strong and healthy and feeling your best throughout your pregnancy. These workouts are tailored to each trimester right up to your due date and is the exact same program I did throughout my pregnancy! The program runs for a total of 34 weeks - starting at 6 weeks pregnant all the way to 40 weeks! The best part? YOU are in total control of what training day you do based on how you feel! Some workouts are full body while others are body-part specific workouts. In the first trimester (pregnancy weeks 6-12), there are 24 strength workouts to choose from. During the second trimester (pregnancy weeks 13-28), there are 48 strength workouts to choose from. Finally, in the third trimester (pregnancy weeks 29-40), there are 28 strength workouts to choose from. The workouts will take about 40-60 minutes to complete, with the longer workouts programmed early on. The sessions are purposely designed to be shorter towards the end of pregnancy when your fatigue really starts to set in! Also included are several short (20 minutes or less) pelvic floor workouts to do in each trimester to make sure your pelvic floor is at its strongest to help prepare you for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and beyond! If you found this program later on in your pregnancy, we will gladly adjust the program start date to correspond to your current trimester - just send us a message! EQUIPMENT NEEDED: - Barbell, Squat Rack, Weight Plates & an Adjustable Bench - Dumbbells or Kettlebells - Stability/Physio/Yoga ball - Powerbands (or long Therabands) and Minibands/Circular bands - Sliders (you can use a towel on tile floors or paper plates on carpet) - Steps (Flat Bench, Plyo Boxes, Plates, Books etc.) *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every four weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per month
  • 21_The Aging Stronger Fix: 30-45 mins/day, 4 days a week, 16 weeks

    Never strength-trained before? Have arthritis or other joint and tissue injuries? Want to work on improving bone density? Looking to maintain or improve your strength as you age? Not sure where to start or who to trust? You've come to the right place! As a doctor of physical therapy and a certified strength and conditioning coach, I know how to get you on the right path to safe and healthy movement! Resistance and mobility training are shown to be key factors in reducing chronic conditions and preserving our quality of life as we get older - so I applaud you for taking this step and am excited to get you started on this journey! This program will get you moving in a safe and low-impact way that will keep you healthy and strong as you age. It is designed as a "progressive overload" program, meaning the goal is to help you gradually increase the resistance/weights used from week to week. The mobility work will help you improve your range of motion. Together this training will allow you to keep participating in the activities you love for the years to come! It's a 16-week program with 4 workout days each week that will build a solid training foundation. The first 3 training days will take about 45 minutes per day to complete. These are the main strength-training days. The 4th day is a home-based mobility day (no equipment needed for this one!) that will take about 10 minutes to do. Equipment needed: Dumbbells or Kettlebells Flat Bench or Step or Plyo Boxes Stability Ball - also known as a Physio or Yoga Ball Furniture Sliders (or paper plates or towels that slide on the floor) Minibands (small circular bands) Long Resistance Bands - also known as Powerbands *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 22_The Pelvic Floor Fix: 15-20 mins/day x 16 week program

    During my pregnancy I became particularly aware of just how important the pelvic floor (PF) is. I consider myself a pretty strong person, but I was focused on doing everything I could to support my pregnancy, so I started adding in weekly pelvic floor exercises in deep core sessions… which led me to realize how much a program like this was needed! To be clear, you don’t have to be pregnant or postpartum to benefit from this program!! It is perfect for ANYONE wanting to build a stronger core foundation - both men and women!! The Pelvic Floor Fix is designed to help those with problems like diastasis recti, low back pain, hip pain, urinary incontinence, leaking, pain with sex, post-abdominal surgery, etc. This a 16-week program with 4 phases where each phase builds on the one before it. After polling followers, I decided to make these workouts short and frequent (daily) so people can fit them in whenever they have 15-20 minutes. I have also included 3 hip/pelvis mobility routines in each phase that take 10 minutes or less! Do you have to do this daily? Absolutely not! But since a lot of pelvic floor problems arise from motor control issues, it is advised to perform PF exercises more frequently. Some experts even recommend doing them multiple times a day, however I designed this program so you can maximize the benefits at a minimum of 4 days a week! EQUIPMENT NEEDED: - Minibands & Powerbands (or Therabands) - Dumbbells or Kettlebells - Foam Roller - Stability/Physio/Yoga Ball - A smaller ball (think soccer ball, volleyball, or you can use a pillow!) *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews every four weeks. You have the ability to self-cancel at any time. If for some reason you are not able to self-cancel, we require email notice to cancel AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR to the next auto-payment date. Once a charge has been made it is NON-REFUNDABLE. Please send an email to [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *This program only offers 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you can’t respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available with custom programs. If you would like a custom program, built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • 5$ Continued Support Monthly Access Plan (BASIC)

    If you have previously purchased one or more programs and would like to maintain ongoing access to the programs, please purchase this add-on option. It only costs $5/month to keep your account active so you can re-run any programs you've bought from us at any time! *This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews. We require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment date to cancel your program without charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an email to [email protected] if you need cancellation assistance. *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $5.00 USD
    per month


  • ADD ON: The Core Fix: 10 min/day x 25 different workouts! No equipment needed!

    Choose this ADD ON program IF you already have a main program in your account!! If you want to strengthen your core, develop your abs, and don't have a lot of time or equipment, then this NEW core program is for you! The focus here is on a "cardio core" burn for weight loss and aesthetics and for use as a supplement to your existing workout routine. It's a great addition as a quick finisher or a good way to get yourself moving in the morning! This program contains 25 separate workouts which only take about 10 minutes to complete each day. It targets the entire core (front, sides, and back). It also includes exercises to get your heart rate up which will help burn more calories so you can see those abs even quicker! There is no equipment needed. The exercises are all bodyweight movements! There are videos demonstrating every exercise, including ways to scale each exercise, so this program is appropriate for all fitness levels! This is a one-time payment program offered at a great price! You pay for ONE month and you get access to the program for THREE months from the date of purchase. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    one time
  • ADD ON: The Mobility Fix: 10 mins/day, 4 days/week, 52 weeks long

    Choose this ADD ON program IF you already have a main program in your account!! Who wants to get more mobile in LESS than 10 minutes per day? This program is designed to help increase full-body mobility. Whether you sit at a desk all day for work, are a competitive athlete, or anything in between, your body will thank you for doing these movements regularly! This program has been completely revamped and is now in a guided follow-along format, I do the program with you and cue you through every single move so you know exactly what to do and what you should be feeling and focusing on! Every week there are 4 separate mobility days: Hip Mobility Shoulder Mobility Spine Mobility Full Body Mobility You will do each day twice in each month - Weeks 1 and 3 are the same and Weeks 2 and 4 are the same. This is because it will take more than 1 repetition through a mobility program to begin feeling the benefits and create adaptations and improvements in your joint mobility. It is recommended that you do each day at least once each week, but if you have more time, feel free to complete any of these mobility days as often as you want throughout the week/month! The program also includes a helpful calendar feature to keep you accountable. You set the days you want to do the mobility work and the program will send you reminders! EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Floor Space Wall Space This is a subscription-based program that auto-renews, but you have the ability to self-cancel at any time! If for some reason you are not able to do so, we require a written notice of cancellation AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the next auto-payment to be able to cancel your program without any charge or to be eligible for a refund. Please send an in-app message or an email to: [email protected] for cancellation assistance. *Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate, and use common sense while performing the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program is non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    per 4 weeks
  • ADD ON: The Prehab Fix: 30 min/day x 25 different workouts

    Choose this ADD ON program IF you already have a main program in your account!! This program includes mobility, strength, and accessory exercises that focus on the areas of the body that are often neglected. It will improve your strength and help prevent injuries! There are 25 separate training days programmed with all different exercises. Each day includes 4 mobility and 5 strengthening/accessory exercises. The workouts should take about 30 minutes to complete, depending on how familiar you are with each exercise. For this program you will need the following items: Sliders (or you can use towels on tile and wood floors) Mini-band or hip circle Dumbbells (DB), Kettlebells (KB) or household objects like water bottles, furniture, etc. Longer resistance bands or Power-bands This is a one-time payment program. You pay once for access to 25 different workouts which are available for 3 months from the date of purchase. **Template programs only offer 1-way messaging, meaning we can send you a message but you won't be able to respond to us through the app. If you have general questions regarding your program, please email [email protected]. Benefits like progress feedback, form checks on exercises, modifications for exercises, and the ability to message back and forth through the app, are only available to those who purchase custom programs. If you would like a custom program built specifically for your needs and goals, please schedule an online appointment here: *The user assumes all risk and liability of injury in the use of this workout program and cannot hold The Physio Fix accountable. Please consult your physician, assess your fitness level, and follow instructions before beginning any workout program. Your participation in this exercise program is voluntary and it is recommended that you take breaks, hydrate and use common sense while preforming the exercises. The user agrees by purchasing this program that The Physio Fix will not be held responsible in the event that an injury occurs. This program in non-refundable.

    $50.00 USD
    one time

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