Admin. Mykala Smith

United States

Admin. Mykala Smith

United States

Main Products

  • 1 Week Sneak Peak

    Peek inside my app for an entire week + 1 FREE meal plan included! This is a week long sneak peak at my workout library, my app and all of it's features. There's so much you can do here: You'll see all the workouts under the programs tab which is the one that looks like a kettlebell. You can look through all the workouts there and even schedule them on your calendar. You can also do the same from your calendar too. The calendar is a cool spot because you can plan out an entire week or even a month if you like. You can also move things around by holding and dragging with your finger. The round plus (+) at the bottom right corner allows you to add all kinds of things from workouts and meals to photos and body stats if you want. You can connect Fitbits and smart watches or scales to automatically sync with this app and track your steps, sleep, body fat, resting HR, and more. Here's what my clients are saying... "It's so helpful to have everything in one place. It's all right where I need it, when I need it'" -Alice "This app blows my mind" -Jess "I've never been fitter than I was training with you" -Meg "I'm on a roll! finally feel like I've made the change that will last forever not just a few weeks." -J I know you'll love it too! See you inside!

  • 12 Week Transformation

    This full 12 WEEK program includes: ✅custom workout plan fit to your lifestyle and goals ✅nutrition guidance with meal plans or macro coaching, supplement ideas, & meal timing Plus weekly check ins with Coach Mykala If you're looking to be... 👉fitter 👉healthier 👉have more energy 👉more strength 👉more confidence you need a transformation! It only takes 12 weeks to create the habits you need to last you a lifetime!

    $600.00 USD
    one time
  • 6 Week Meal Plans

    6 Weeks of perfectly portioned meal plans! You'll get one new plan each week. This gives you 18 meals and 6 snacks that are all well balanced and taste so good. Each plan includes: ✅ Shopping list ✅ Prep instructions ✅ Substitutions ideas to make your life easier! These meal plans will save you time and money and my clients are LOVING them! Here's what they have to say... "Like many people, I have issues with food, I love it.  I hate to cook everyday.  I decided to buy the 12 week meal plan.  What a life changing purchase!" "My grocery bill has shrunk because I buy food once a week and I’m not making unnecessary purchases." "I love the food, it’s real food that tastes good and I feel like I really ate something." Note: These are not custom meal plans. For custom meal plans and coaching contact me to figure out a plan that works for you.

    $49.00 USD
    one time
  • 6 Week Package

    WORKOUTS START ON MONDAY!!! What’s Included: ✔️6 weeks training program ✔️30-45 min workouts ✔️3 glute, hamstring, and core-focused workouts per week ✔️2 upper body workouts per week that are specifically designed to target your shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, and back ✔️Tips to ensure you're doing each exercise with proper technique and form ✔️FULL VIDEO DEMOS and explanations of every movement ✔️Sample meal plan with meal prep instructions & shopping list ✔️Exclusive access to my training app and all of its features to log your workouts and track your progress Once you sign up you'll get: full access to the plan for the entire 6 weeks PLUS an additional 2 weeks after that in case you missed any workouts or want to repeat the ones you loved ❤️. You'll also be able to download a simplified PDF version of this program and I recommend doing that right away so you can access it after you complete the 8 weeks and your account expires. Sign up today to get your first workout on MONDAY!

    $69.00 USD
    one time
  • Custom Programming

    Custom workouts built for you and your goals! As your coach, I want to get to know you, your gym or workout space, and your schedule so I can really customize a plan that fits you and your lifestyle.

    $99.00 USD
    per month
  • Summer Shred

    Summer body loading... Get shredded for summer with this 12 week program designed to get you working out, eating right, and feeling your best going into swim suit season! What's included? weekly workouts video demonstrations for every exercise weekly meal plans grocery shopping list meal prep ideas & instructions weekly progress check ins Everything is done for you! All you have to do is stick with the plan and see the results. Program starts on MONDAY!!!

    $99.00 USD
    one time


  • VIP Members

    $220.00 USD
    per month

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