Hixon Fitness & Athletics

New Braunfels, United States

Hixon Fitness & Athletics

New Braunfels, United States

Main Products

  • "Big 4" Functional Movements

    This program is designed to teach the foundations of multijoint movements and funtional patterns. Each workout with consist of a miminum of (2) functional movements such as Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat. Over the next 28 days the goal is to introduce the client to the movement patterns first, and slowly graduate into loading the movements with weight as we get more comfortable moving.

  • 14 Day Kickstart

    This kickstart plan incorporated a variety of free weight, machine, cardio, and strength movements to re-acclimate you to the gym! If you've been out of the game for a while, or need a refresher, these routines will jog your memory. The 14 day kickstart includes 6 unique strength and fatloss workouts you can repeat over time.

  • Black Dolphin Strength Program

    What is "Black Dolphin"? The "Black Dolphin" is a maximum security prison located just shy of the Siberian peninsula. It's reserved for the hardests, and coldest, of Russia's prisoners. What makes the facility so impressive is their 100% success rate to preventing escapes. Essentially, NO ONE LEAVES ALIVE. The Black Dolphin program, when done correctly, is considered a "relative" workout. This means every workout scheduled would be a challenge for anyone attempting it. You can expect skin splitting pumps regardless of the amount of weight you can lift. If growth is the goal, then step up to the plate and LETS DO THIS. Program Overview: This program will force you to progressively overload your muscles through time under tension, proper weight selection, and a variety of movements and equipment. The rep ranges provided are to give you a look at the BIG moves. The heavier and more prominent lifts will be primarily compound and multijointed exercises. Duration: 10 week program focused on stacking lean muscle mass, reducing fat. You'll be given six 1-2 week phases. Each phase will provide some new challenge to keep your muscles and CNS guessing, and the gains coming in. Phase 1: High Volume - Rep Range: 8-12; Earn the pump and focus on technique over weight. Include a 3:1 Eccentric : Concentric contraction ratio. (example: 3 seconds down, 1 second up.) Phase 2: Overload - Rep Range: 8-10; Increase in weight and include a 3:1 Eccentric : Concentric contraction ratio. Phase 3: Deload - Decompress, lengthen, and remain mobile for the next phase. All warriors have to lick their wounds between battles! Phase 4: Control It - Rep Range: 6-8; Lift heavier with a reduction in overall volume and Include a 3:1 Eccentric : Concentric contraction ratio. Phase 5: Push It - Rep Range: 5-8; Tempo 1:1. Just Lift!! Phase 6: Pump It - Rep Range: 20+; Tempo 1:1 sec for high volume and low weight. Strong contractions and focus a must

    $199.00 USD
    one time
  • Grow Your Glutes

    This program features a 6 week guide to grow and tone your glutes! This is a do on your own, at your own pace program .You have the freedom to "drag and drop" the days to what works best for your schedule. It's recommended to give the glutes at least 24hr rest between routines, but is not required. You will also benefit greatly from adding in the bonus mobility and stretching The routines will remain the same, but you should be progressing in limiting your rest time, and increasing how much you lift per exercise. If you are getting a great Burn/Pump add a few sets and take advantage of a great workout! We do encourage you to take either a progress picture or body stats at the beginning of the program, and the end. It's always great to compare and see the results of the hard work! You can always book a Styku scan with any coach for the most accurate progress tracking.

  • Intro to Machines

    Program Difficulty: Beginner Objective: Learn how to operate the strength machines effectively, and dial in on the proper technique for each movement. The challenge issued in this program is to implement proper breathing techniques, tempo, and focus on both concentric/eccentric contractions. Mobility, stretching, and cardio recovery assignments will be posted to ensure you continue to get some "hair of the dog" and work through the soreness! PROGRESS before PERFECTION

  • TRX Metabolic Conditioning

    This program uses TRX suspension trainers exclusively! With variable resistance, you can always let off the gas without stopping completely. The movements are timed, and you have a recommended rep range per set. The goal is to move the entire time...even if that means less reps, or more. This program Includes 4 unique TRX only routines that focus on different muscle groups and movement combinations.



  • Daily Foam Rolling

    Guided foam rolling programs for daily use. Includes 1 upperbody and 1 lowerbody routine. **Add these routines to any existing program you have purchased to make your experience more personalized to your needs**

  • Row Better

    Row Better. This program is designed to help you "ROW BETTER" after 4 weeks. Row Better features 4 Metabolic Conditioning routines with movements chosen specifically to help support rowing. Complete 3-4 of these routines weekly over the next month for huge cardio benefits, and to improve your rowing technique. Practice makes perfect. ***Recommended for beginnner to intermediate athletes.***

  • Tabata Metatabolic Conditioning

    Tabata is a highly effective and time efficient way to burn fat, build lean mass, increase your vo2 max, and dial in your mental toughness. What you save in time, you'll pay for in sweat and effort. Tabata only works with a maximal effort every round. Give it your best! This program includes 4 unique guided Tabata programs. No additional timers needed. Jump in to your dynamic warmup, and follow along. No equipment necessary.

  • The Core Concept

    Your core is a complicated system of movers and stabilizers, it's your powerhouse. In this program we take a look at the trunk and develop it with a balanced approach to look, better, get stronger, gain injury prevention and improve movement ability. This is designed to be added on top of your movement program and should be done 3-6 days per week.


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