Coach O

Austin, US

Coach O

Austin, US

Main Products

  • CRUSH 90 CONQUER 365

    CRUSH 90 CONQUER 365 is an initiative I started back in 2018 to combat the alarmingly high statistics of people starting but NOT finishing their New Year Resolutions. No matter the goal, just over 90% quit for whatever reason. And of those 90% who don't follow through, 80% have already thrown in the towel before the first 90 days of the new year is up! So theoretically speaking, if we can make it out of the first 90 days, then our chances for success drastically increase! Here's your opportunity to join a movement hell bent on making sure you, and all your friends actually accomplish their goals. Join the movement and lets go set the world on fire together!

    $25.00 USD
    one time
  • Plus Customized Program

    This particular program is customized to your wants and needs, with two workouts per week. This package is typically for someone at the beginning stages of their fitness journey and are looking to get back in shape but need more than just one workout per week. Please don't hesitate with any questions, comments, or concerns-- I look forward to training you!

    $90.00 USD
    per month
  • Premium Customized Program

    This particular program is customized to your wants and needs-- no matter your age, weight, fitness level, or goals-- with three workouts per week. This package is typically for someone at the ready and willing to take their fitness journey to the next level! Please don't hesitate with any questions, comments, or concerns-- I look forward to training you!

    $145.00 USD
    per month
  • Standard Customized Program

    This particular program is customized to your wants and needs, with one workout per week. The one workout you receive, ideally, can and should be repeated one more time in that same week. Preferably with 2 days in between. So for example, complete the workout on Monday and then repeat it on Thursday, or Tues and Fri, or Wed and Sat, or Thu and Sun-- whatever works best for your schedule! This package is typically for beginners, someone looking to get back into the swing of things slowly but surely. You're also going to want to sprinkle in some cardio as well, if you need help with that too, don't forget to grab the Customized Cardio Program add-on. I look forward to training you!

    $50.00 USD
    per month


  • Basic Monthly Plan

    This package gives you access to our "Best Version Of You" program and the library of workouts that come with it! Use it at your discretion, in any order you want, as a stand-alone program, or as an addition to your current program. One of the many great things about this package is: 1.) Its affordability 2.) The workouts are basic but far from easy 3.) This program is great to use as a foundation from which to build a much better and stronger version of you!

    $10.00 USD
    per month
  • Customized Cardio Program

    No matter what your goals are or where you are in your fitness journey, everyone needs some form of cardio to keep a healthy mind, body, and soul (heart especially). With this add-on, I will customize your cardio based on not only your wants but, most importantly, based on your needs. Don't spin your wheels anymore, help me help you get the most out of your cardio so you can become healthier but also so you don't overdo it and potentially injure yourself. PS This is for beginners, seasoned triathletes, ultra-runners, and everyone in between. With my extensive background having worked with professionals and amateurs alike, I can customize any cardio program for ONLY $19/month!

    $19.00 USD
    per month

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