Hybrid Workout plan designed to workout multiple groups at the same time utilizing various workout techniques to optimize muscle hypertrophy. This combines the classic "push-pull legs" program with super setting exercises enabling you to burn a lot more calories compared to a standard isolation workout.
This is a comprehensive 4-week program that creates a customized plan for building the body you have always wanted. This includes workout, meal, habit, and lifestyle plans custom build for optimal performance
Multifaceted 3-Phase Hybrid workout Program designed to work out multiple groups at the same time utilizing various workout techniques to optimize muscle hypertrophy. This plan is mainly for individuals trying to achieve a proper balance of strength, endurance, skill, and mind-body connections. This plan includes workout, meal, habit, and lifestyle plans with accountability check-in calls and emails.
This is a comprehensive 12-week program that creates a customized plan for building the body you have always wanted. This includes workout, meal, habit, and lifestyle plans custom build for optimal performance 3-Phase Evolving High Energy Workout Plan designed to optimize the high hormone anabolic windows of the day (morning and evening) to achieve maximum muscular development. This is a 3 phase strength and conditioning program designed to hit every major muscle group each day and then finishing it off with a mobility workout to aid mind muscle connection. This plan consists on a workout, meal, habit and lifestyle plan with accountability check-in calls and emails.
A Dedicated and Passionate trainer with the zeal to get you the top of your fitness mountain. Are you ready to be your best self with FitVerge?? Lets GO!!!
Get the accountability, strategy, and motivation to get you where you need to get to. Elevate yourself to the next level of your fitness journey. I got your back, LET'S DO THIS!!!
Fully customized meal plan designed with the clients in mind. Paleo, Pescatarian, Keto, Gluten-Free, Plant Based, Vegan options available
+/- 120min In-Person/Video Fitness consultation and assessment to establish clarity on fitness goals, create realistic expectations, and map out strategies on how to achieve them
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