The FLIP THE SWITCH OnDemand portion of the app gives you workouts that you can do anywhere! Access to our HUGE (and continuously growing) OnDemand library with this package.
Is It OK To Workout In Your First Trimester? Generally, yes. If you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal, it is safe to continue regular physical activity. Pregnancy exercise can actually help decrease first trimester pregnancy symptoms like pregnancy fatigue and morning sickness. What Are The Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy? Regular exercise during pregnancy can help reduce backaches, improve sleep quality, and lower the risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women. There’s also some research that indicates that an active pregnancy provides a boost to baby’s brain and heart health as well. This program is designed to keep you active and healthy during your pregnancy. The exercises will improve and help strengthen your pelvic floor and prepare you for labor. Its time to Switch it Up and get ready to bring that little one into the world!
Strength training is physical activity performed for the purpose of satisfying a long-term performance goal: to increase the ability to produce muscular force against an external resistance. Muscular force, which is strength, is measured by how much weight a trainee can move from point A to B. Unlike the general term “exercising”, which is all about producing a stress that satisfies an immediate need of the trainee (i.e. burning calories, working up a sweat, getting a pump, or even stretching)...Strength training is about a process that generates results at a point in time removed from each workout. It’s about defining a performance objective and working towards it. This Program is about progress and results! Its time to FLIP THE SWITCH on your STRENGTH!
You want to get a toned body, but you don’t want to become masculine? I have news for you! Lifting weights won’t make you bulky. Females don’t have the same hormone balance and body requirements needed to build larger, bulkier muscles like men have. Adequate nutrition and workout plan will get you in shape. Getting to the gym is already a big step for a woman who wants to get in shape. Don’t worry you’re not the only one skeptical about lifting weights, but trust me, after after a couple of weeks you will be more confident, see amazing results and let yourself enjoy the process. This is a journey you will never forget! It's time to Flip2: Tone and FLIP THE SWITCH!
This plan is progressive in the sense that each week/phase you’ll graduate to different exercises, higher volume, more intensity or all of the above. In this plan, your first month of training will be demanding, but not so demanding as to cause injury... or worse yet, burnout! After four weeks you’ll not only be ready for the next challenge but you’ll have built a significant amount of quality muscle. In other words, one month from now you’ll look significantly better with your shirt off than you look now. This program isn’t just for the true beginner who has never touched a weight before; it’s also suitable for anyone who has taken an extended leave of absence from training. How long has it been since you went to the gym regularly? Six months? A year? Five years? No worries: The following routines will get you back on track in—you guessed it—just 4 short weeks. The remaining 8 weeks solidify the fundamentals we work on in the first training phase. This prepares you for a lifetime of exercise and being the best version of yourself! Are you ready to FLIP THE SWITCH?!