CastleFit Crusaders specializes in personal and online training. Train with our revolutionary online training app full of customized and unique workouts, which you can access online or through your smartphone.

Main Products

  • Tier 1: One Year Ultimate Body Sculptor

    Dive into the Ultimate Body Sculptor, a meticulously crafted workout plan designed to revolutionize your fitness journey over the course of a year, one week at a time. This all-encompassing regimen is expertly tailored to target all major muscle groups, ensuring a harmonious blend of strength training, cardiovascular endurance, and essential recovery periods. Whether you're aiming to elevate your workout intensity, sculpt a more defined physique, or boost your muscular strength and definition, this program is your gateway to achieving unparalleled results. Plan Highlights: Chest and Triceps: Kickstart your week with a robust session focused on enhancing the chest and triceps, incorporating powerhouse exercises like bench presses and skull crushers to build strength and definition. Lower Body Compound: Elevate your lower body strength with a day dedicated to your lower body. Through squats, lunges, glute bridges and calf raises, you'll build a solid foundation and explosive power. Back and Biceps: Continue your journey with targeted routines aimed at fortifying the back and biceps. Engage in deadlifts and barbell curls to carve out strength and endurance. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) & Core: Ramp up the intensity with a High-Intensity Interval Training session designed to torch calories, enhance cardiovascular health, and improve overall fitness. Shoulders: Shift focus to the shoulders, integrating presses, raises, flys and shrugs for a comprehensive workout and conclusion to your busy strength-training week. Active Recovery: Dedicate this day to light cardio and stretching, promoting muscle recovery and flexibility to prepare for further training. Consider taking a yoga or pilates class, I highly recommend it! Rest: Embrace full rest, allowing your body to recuperate, fostering muscle growth, and preparing you for the challenges ahead. Key Features: Balanced Training: Achieve symmetrical muscle growth and performance enhancement with a program that varies focus daily. Versatility: Experience a diverse array of exercises tailored to meticulously target and develop each muscle group. Recovery Time: Enjoy scheduled rest and active recovery days to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury. Intensity: Designed for those familiar with regular physical activity, ready to push their limits and reach new heights in fitness. Additional Considerations: Comprehensively includes warm-up and cool-down routines to ensure safety and effectiveness. Stresses the importance of hydration, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest for optimal performance and results. Offers adaptability to meet individual fitness levels and personal objectives. Goal: Embarking on the "Ultimate Body Sculptor" journey promises a one year transformation not just in your physical appearance, with enhanced muscle tone, strength, and endurance, but also in your overall fitness level, setting a new benchmark for personal achievement. *This Product Includes Dashboard Connect*

    $20.00 USD
    per month
  • Tier 2: Dashboard Connect

    **Required for Premier Custom Fitness Programs** Dashboard Connect is your comprehensive health and fitness companion designed to seamlessly integrate with your lifestyle and enhance your journey towards optimal wellness. This cutting-edge platform is the cornerstone of our fitness programs, offering an unparalleled ability to track, analyze, and elevate every aspect of your health regimen. Features & Benefits of the Dashboard Connect Smart Device Connectivity: Effortlessly connect your smart watches and other wearable devices. Sync your data automatically for real-time insights into your health and fitness performance. Holistic Tracking: Track and monitor a wide range of health metrics including workouts, nutrition, daily habits, and activities. Whether it's the steps you've taken, the calories you've consumed, or the hours you've slept, Dashboard Connect keeps you informed and in control. Health Metrics: Stay ahead with detailed tracking of vital health indicators such as weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. Understand your body's needs and progress with precision. Customizable Interface: Tailor your dashboard to suit your goals and preferences. Highlight the metrics that matter most to you and keep your progress front and center. Community & Support: Automatically enrolled in a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Share achievements, seek advice, and find encouragement as you navigate your fitness journey. Why Dashboard Connect? Before embarking on any of our fitness programs, the Dashboard Connect is your starting point—a foundational tool that not only prepares you for the journey ahead but also ensures you have the insights and support necessary for success. It's about more than just tracking; it's about connecting the dots between every aspect of your health and fitness, enabling a personalized and informed approach to wellness. With Dashboard Connect, you're not just investing in a tool; you're embracing a companion designed to guide, inspire, and transform your approach to health and fitness. Get ready to unlock your full potential and see tangible progress on your journey to optimal wellness.

    $15.00 USD
    per month


  • Tier 2: Premier Custom Fitness Program

    **Dashboard Connect Monthly Subscription Required** A holistic, tailor-made service designed to align perfectly with your unique lifestyle, health conditions, and personal ambitions. This comprehensive offering goes beyond standard workout routines to incorporate every aspect of your personal situation, ensuring a balanced, effective approach to fitness and well-being. Key Features of the Premier Custom Fitness Program: Personal Health Assessment: We start by understanding your health background and any conditions to ensure your plan is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs. Customized Exercise Regimen: Whether you're new to exercise or looking to elevate your routine, we adapt the program to match your experience and fitness level, ensuring you progress at a pace that's right for you. Flexible Scheduling: Your work or school commitments shouldn't hinder your health goals. We design your fitness schedule to integrate seamlessly with your daily life, making regular exercise a convenient part of your routine. Optimized Recovery: Recognizing the importance of rest, we customize your recovery times within your program, balancing activity with adequate rest to optimize results and minimize the risk of injury. Tailored Intensity Levels: Every workout is calibrated to challenge you at the right intensity, pushing you towards your goals while respecting your body's limits. Goal-Oriented Strategy: Your ambitions drive us. We align your fitness program with your personal goals, whether it's weight loss, muscle gain, improved endurance, or overall health enhancement. Diet and Nutrition Guidance: Complement your fitness journey with personalized diet tips and nutrition strategies, crafted to fuel your workouts and support your body's needs. Why Choose the Premier Custom Fitness Program? This service is not just about achieving fitness goals; it's about embarking on a journey tailored to who you are, where you're at, and where you want to be. With a focus on personalization, flexibility, and comprehensive support, our program is designed to fit into your life, making sustainable health and wellness an achievable reality. Whether you're navigating health challenges, looking to overhaul your fitness routine, or simply seeking a more balanced approach to your lifestyle, our Premier Custom Fitness Program offers the expertise, motivation, and personalized framework you need to succeed. Transform your life with a fitness program that truly understands you. Let's start this journey together.

    On purchase, you will get 2 session credits for Initial Consult & Forms (expire after 1 month)

    $65.00 USD
    one time