Get ready for a 4 week plan to get your booty in shape.
This product includes 4 weeks of workout routines, direct chat with me for meals and any questions. Loose the inches if you do the work. MEAL PLAN SAMPLE INCLUDED.
2 week full access free trial for my fitness app.
Includes workout routines for the month. Customized to own needs.
1 month of meal plan
Work on some full body HIIT workouts.
When it comes to bodybuilding, fitness, and health improvement, both, mental and body strengths must come into play. My journey as being a bodybuilder andĀ to competeĀ in my first event started with a deep feeling of wanting to do it and taking action after making my plan. There are two main things that must be done […]
What is Interval Training? Interval training is a type of training that consists of both high intensity and low intensity during a given period of time. In most cases this type of training can be implemented to your training plan if you are looking to burn fat. As you train for fat loss the best […]